作者:本质教育 李泽宇
GMAT Official Guide是每一个考GMAT的学生必须具备的书籍。里面的每一道题目最好做2遍以上(尤其是错题,一定要好好分析体会)。很多同学告诉我,OG的答案不够清楚。事实上,OG的有些讲解试图绕开一些需要补充的知识,例如什么是溯因推理,分词的用法等等,因此往往显得不够清晰。因此,我想我每天抽出一些时间,写一道OG的题目,帮助大家学习。
9. (难度700)long-term study of some 1,000 physicians indicates that the more coffee these doctors drank, the more they had a likelihood of coronary disease.
A. more they had a likelihood of coronary disease
B. more was their likelihood of having coronary disease
C. more they would have a likelihood to have coronary disease
D. greater was their likelihood of having coronary disease
E. greater was coronary disease likely
首先读完句子,看懂意思后知道这是标准的the more… the more…比较级结构
原文的意思应该是表示喝咖啡越多(more coffee) -> 更高的可能性(greater likelihood)获得coronary disease。
为何这里用greater而不用more?我个人不喜欢OG的解释,事实上,在GMAT数学中,各位就遇到了用greater than/less than的情况
例如:3 is greater than 1. (数学语言:3>1)
因此greater用在数目上。这里的likelihood=probability,概率是一个数字!而more不用在数字上,例如more coffee, more land, more students这里的coffee, land(不可数),students(可数)都不是数字!