GMAT Question Types and Time Requirements (Important!)

Times: - 2011 Views

It is essential to stick to the time requirement when you practice GMAT!

Finishing the verbal part, say in 2.5 hours, and getting everything correct is meaningless! GMAT is hard to large extent because of its strict time requirement.

Question Type Nb of Questions Question Types Time Requirement
GMAT AWA 1 Analysis of Argument Total: 30 mins

Suggested use of time:

1) Reading & analyzing the line of reasoning - 2-5 mins

2) Write using stencil -20-23 mins

3) Check spelling and grammar - 2-5 mins

Integrated Reasoning 12 Multi-Source Reasoning

Graphics Interpretation

Two-Part Analysis

Table Analysis
30 mins in total and 2.5 min per question
GMAT Quantitative 37 Data Sufficiency

Problem Solving
Total 75 mins

Practice Suggestion: 2 mins per question and 20 questions a group
GMAT Verbal 41 Reading Comprehension

Critical Reasoning

Sentence Correction
Total 75 mins

Reading: 5 mins for a long passage/3 mins to for a short passage
+ 1 min per question. 4 passages a group to practice.

CR and SC: 1 min and 40 secs per question. 20 questions per group to practice.

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