GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Eight

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36. 简单词 second 第二
词根:-sec-(变形:sequ, secut ) 跟随,顺序(第二名就是紧跟第一的)

⑸ consecutive 连续的,连贯的
记忆方法:con(共同)+ secut(跟随)+ive→一个接着一个的→连贯的
实例:Photographs taken at the same time on two consecutive sunny days can be quite different from one another.

⑹ prosecute 检举,指控
记忆方法:pro(在前)+secut(跟随,follow)+e→follow what has done before→检举
实例:The police have decided not to prosecute because the evidence is not strong enough.

⑺ persecute 迫害
实例:He and his family have been persecuted by the authorities for their beliefs.

37. 简单词 adapt 使适应
词根:-apt-(变形:ept) 能力

⑴ adept 熟练地
记忆方法:ad(to, 一直)+ept(能力)→一直锻炼出来的能力→熟练的
实例:He is also adept at “erasing” small mistakes with judicious use of cleaning fluid to dissolve a wax dribble.

⑵ aptitude 能力
记忆方法:apt(能力)+ itude(表名词)→ 能力
实例:In school, she vexed her teachers with her pinball energy, but impressed them with her aptitude and ambition.

⑶ inapt 无能的,不熟练的,不恰当的
记忆方法:in(不, 非)+apt(能力)→没有能力的
实例:He always makes inapt remarks.

38. 简单词 dictionary 词典
词根:-dict- 说→命令

⑴ predict 预测
实例:He said it was hard to predict how audiences would react once they were asked to pay for interactions with live streamers.

⑵ indict 指控
实例:Authorities say he and three others were indicted for computer hacking, economic espionage and other crimes.

⑶ contradict 和...矛盾
实例:He did not contradict her but he did not confirm it, either.

⑷ dictation 听写
记忆方法:dict(说)+ ation(表名词)→听写就是别人说着你写
实例:Keep in mind that with many dictation apps, a recording of your voice is uploaded to the company’s servers for software-based transcription.

⑸ dictator 独裁者
实例:Park is the daughter of late dictator Park Chung-hee, one of the most divisive figures in South Korean history.

⑹ interdict 禁止
实例:Armies can be brought in to interdict the shipment of drugs.

⑺ abdicate 退位
实例:The last French king was Louis Philippe, who abdicated in 1848.

⑻ addict 使上瘾
实例:He apologised, and then he broke down and cried and said he was addicted to drugs.

⑼ dictum 格言
近义词:proverb, adage, axiom, aphorism
实例:...the dictum that it is preferable to be roughly right than precisely wrong...

⑽ predicate 谓语, 断言, 取决于(on)
记忆方法:pre(在前)+dic(说)+ate→在事前就说→断言,取决于(predicate on)
实例:1. Most religions predicate life after death.
2. In general, a grammatical clause contains a subject and a predicate.
3. Financial success is usually predicated on having money or being able to obtain it.

⑾ predicament 困境
实例:If you are in a predicament, you are in an unpleasant situation that is difficult to get out of.

⑿ valedictory adj.(尤在正式场合)告别的,告辞的. n告别演说,告别辞
记忆方法:vale(拉丁语 再见, 再会)+ dict( 说)+ory(表名词或形容词)→ 再见时说的话→ 告别的, 告辞的→ 告别演说
实例:He made a valedictory address after two years as chairman.

39. 简单词 equal 相等的
词根:-equ- 相等

⑴ equivocate 支支吾吾,模棱两可地说
衍生:equivocal 模棱两可的, 不清楚的
实例:Don’t equivocate about what you expect the team to accomplish and what the priorities are.

⑵ adequate 适合的
近义词:satisfactory, sufficient, ample, enough
实例:Nor are they an adequate predictor of whether someone will offend again.

⑶ equivalent 等值的
记忆方法:equ(相等)+ val(价值,来源于value)+ent(表形容词)→等值的
实例:Samsung is South Korea’s largest business group and its revenue is equivalent to about a fifth of the country’s GDP.

⑷ equanimous 安静的, 镇静的
近义词:sedate, composed, collected, imperturbable
实例:What would you give for them to be more focused, healthier, more equanimous, more motivated, more productive, and friendlier?

⑸ equable 平稳的, 温和的
实例:He has an equable temperament.

40. 简单词 aqueous 水的
词根:-aqu- 水(和equ一起记忆了), ous后缀表示充满的

⑴ aquatic 水生的
记忆方法:aqu(水)+ atic(表形容词)→水生的
实例:aquatic plants/aquatic sports

⑵ aquarium 水族馆
实例:According to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums there are more than 10,000 zoos around the world.

⑶ aqueduct 水渠
记忆方法:aqu(水)+duct(引导, 参见introduce)→水渠
实例:California is the land of milk and honey but it’s also the realm of hundreds of dams, canals, aqueducts and reservoirs.

⑷ opaque 不透明的
记忆方法:op(不)+ aque(水)→不像水一样是透明的→不透明的
实例:You can always use opaque glass if you need to block a street view.

41. 简单词 postpone 推迟
词根:-post- 在后面

⑴ preposterous 不合理的,荒谬的
实例:The implication that marital infidelity enhances a leader's credibility is preposterous.

⑵ posthumous 死后的
实例:The Swedish author wrote the first three thrillers, which became an international and posthumous phenomenon.


The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!