GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Thirty – three

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153 ambulance 救护车

(1).ambulate 移动

实例:The patient was allowed to ambulate in his room.

(2).amputate 截肢

记忆方法:ampu(移动)+tate→把(肢体)移开 +联想ambulance→截肢
实例:To save his life, doctors amputated his legs.

(3).preamble 序言,开场白

实例: 'I would like you to return to the villa as soon as possible,' she said without preamble.

(4).ramble n./vi.漫步,漫谈,漫游

记忆方法:r(古罗马时代开始r字母经常表示与狗相关的)+ amble(移动)→狗最喜欢散步→漫步,漫游
实例:This is the best season for a ramble in the suburbs.

(5).perambulate 巡行,漫无目的地游走

记忆方法:per(全部)+ ambul(走)+ ate(表示动词)→全部走过=巡行,漫无目的地游走 近义词: perambulation(n.)
实例:Selectmen are required by law to perambulate the bounds every five years

154 hydrogen 氢

(1).hydrate 水化物,使水合

实例:A hydrate is a chemical compound that contains water.

(2).carbohydrate 碳水化合物

实例:The word carbohydrate refers to a compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that is a major source of energy for animals.

(3).hydrant 水龙头

实例:The administrative trials agency already handles thousands of police summonses for offenses such as littering or obstructing a fire hydrant.

(4).anhydrous 无水的

实例:The plant, which produces pepperoni, precooked hamburger, sausage crumbles and meatballs, uses anhydrous ammonia as a refrigerant.

(5).dehydrate 脱水

实例:Normally specimens have to be dehydrated.

155 annum 年

(1).annals 编年史

实例:He has become a legend in the annals of military history.

(2).anniversary 周年纪念

实例:She underwrote a video celebrating the museum’s 30th anniversary, a piece that Sterling let her preview.

(3).perennial 多年的,长久的

实例:There's a perennial shortage of competent engineers.

(4).annuity 年金,养老金

实例:An annuity is money that comes from an investment and is paid out regularly over a fixed period of time.

(5).biennial 每两年一次的

实例:a biennial event happens once every two years

(6).millennium n.一千年;千年期

实例:The whole world was counting down to the new millennium.

156 connect 连接

(1).annex 附加,吞并

实例:Hitler was determined to annex Austria to Germany.

(2).nexus 连接, 事物联系

实例:A nexus is a connection or series of connections within a particular situation or system.

157 null 空

(1).annihilate 消灭

记忆方法:an(to)+ nihil(=null空)+ate→清空,歼灭
实例:The enemy was warned to capitulate or face annihilation.

(2).nihilism 虚无主义

实例: The philosophy of those long - hairs leans towards nihilism.


(108) blunder 因为粗心,无知而犯错误

实例:I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time.

(109) bolster 支持

记忆方法:发音记忆: 发音类似于boast吹牛→吹牛是为了支持
实例:When you cheer up a friend who's feeling down, you bolster them.

(110) boor 农民,粗鲁的人

记忆方法:联想记忆: poor→boor 衍生: boorish
实例:A boor is a crude, rude person. Boors lack sophistication and manners.

(111) brag 吹嘘

记忆方法: 衍生: braggart自夸者
实例:When you're bragging, you're boasting.

(112) brandish 挥舞

记忆方法:联想记忆: brand(商标)→挥舞(商标)
实例:The clown was brandishing an ax, according to a Facebook post accompanied by a blurry photograph.

(113) brisk 轻快的,生意红火的

记忆方法:联想记忆: b(无)+risk(风险)→无风险所以人人都干→轻快,红火
实例: "1. Taking a brisk walk can often induce a feeling of well-being. 2. Its sales had been brisk since July."

(114) bristle 动物的鬃毛,人的胡须茬→毛发竖立

实例:It makes the hairs at the nape of the neck bristle.

(115) bungle 搞砸

记忆方法:联想记忆: be+ungle=ugly
实例:That last stupid bungle of his is the end.

(116) buoyant 轻快地,漂浮的→心情愉快的,经济繁荣的,股票上涨的

联想记忆:buoy=boy +ant→像男孩子样的,轻快的,漂浮的→繁荣的
实例:It takes a very buoyant personality to cope with constant rejection.

(117) burnish 磨,刨光

实例:His appointment was approved unanimously by the Senate, burnishing his reputation as a man above partisanship.

(118) bustle 喧闹,忙乱

实例:hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘

The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!