GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Twenty – three

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词根:-sens-(变形: -sent-)感觉,感情

(1) assent同意
记忆方法: as(一直,一样)+sent(感觉)→一样的感觉→赞同
近义词: agree, accede, assent
实例:Some British leaders express hope that Europe will assent to a deal that allows finance to carry on, even as Britain leaves the single market. (New York Times, May 11, 2017)

(2) resent厌恶,怨恨
记忆方法: re(反)+sent(感觉)→不好的感觉→怨恨
近义词: abhor, detest, hate, dislike, despise, loathe, scorn, abominate
实例:She resents the teacher for being so tough on her.

(3) dissent反对,不同意
近义词: disagree, reject, decline, dispose, refuse
实例:He is the toughest military ruler yet and has responded harshly to any dissent.

(4) sentimental多愁善感的
实例:Call a person sentimental if he or she is led more by emotions than by reason.

实例:You can improve your chances of profit by sensible planning.

实例:Sensitive describes something or someone who reacts quickly and strongly. It's often something to protect — like baby skin, government documents, or a fragile ecosystem.

(7)commonsense 常识
实例:It lacks any perspective or commonsense.

实例:Democracy is not about ruling and loyalty; it is about consensus and governing. (Washintong Post, May 16, 2017)

(9) presentiment 预感
记忆方法:pre(先, 前)+sentiment(感觉)→预感
实例:I had a presentiment that he represented a danger to me.

(10) scent香味,气味
记忆方法:scent 可感觉的→香味,气味
实例:A slight breeze rose, wafting the heavy scent of flowers past her.

(11) sentinel 岗哨,哨兵
记忆方法:sent(感觉)+in+el(表名词, 人或物)→ 感觉灵敏的人或物→ 哨兵, 哨岗
实例:We gave the watchword, and the sentinel let us pass.

107. 简单词sentence句子

(1) sententious说教的;卖弄文采的
记忆方法:sentent(=sentence句子)+ious(表形容词,多…的)→ 多句子的→ 话多的→ 爱说教的, 卖弄文采的
实例:Generally his ideas were expressed in sententious phrase, spoken in low voice .

108.简单词assert 插入

近义词: allege, declare, insist, proclaim
实例:You might assert an opinion, your innocence, or even your authority over someone else.

109.简单词 sit/side坐下/旁边
词根:-sit-(变形: sid, sad, sed) 1. 坐; 2. 旁边

(1) reside居住
实例:The President of the United States resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, in a little shack called the White House.

(2) preside主持
实例:A few days before his big day, he presided over the Royal Plowing Ceremony, in which sacred oxen forecast the year’s crops.

(3) assiduous勤勉的
近义词: sedulous, diligent
实例:The book was the result of ten years' assiduous research.

(4) subside平息,缓和
实例:Violence has subsided following two days of riots.

记忆方法:sub(在下面)+sid(在旁边)+ iary(表示形容词)→ 下面旁边的→不是主要的→附带的
近义词: accompanying
实例:We offer accounting as a subsidiary course.

(6)subsidy补贴;津贴; 助学金;奖金
记忆方法:sub(下面)+sid(旁边)+y→ 下面旁边的→不是主要收入→补贴
实例:European farmers are planning a massive demonstration against farm subsidy cuts.

实例:1. He ran to the door and vaulted into the saddle. 2. He claimed he was a successful investor even as he was saddled with debts.

(8) sedate安静的, 从容的,严肃的
近义词: equanimous, composed, collected, imperturbable
实例:Her London life was sedate, almost mundane.

(11) adroit 熟练的
近义词: versed, 反义词:maladroit(笨拙的)
实例:He is an adroit negotiator.

(12) filial 子女的
记忆方法:来源于拉丁语,filius(儿子), filia(女儿)→词根为fili
实例:Do you encourage her gift to the exclusion of all other interests, setting yourself up for years of filial resentment and therapy bills?

(13) pejorative贬义的
记忆方法:perjor(=make worse, 记忆方法per(全,坏(物极必反))+jor(=joy,欢乐)→坏的欢乐→make worse, 因此
实例:Until very recently, fidgeting was invariably an activity with a pejorative connotation.

(14) agony痛苦
记忆方法:"爱过你" → agon这个词根表示斗争

(15) alacrity活泼,爽快
记忆方法:alac发音像"I like", 因而有欣然应许之意
实例:He agreed to help us with alacrity

实例:it is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion.

(17) aloof
实例:The Emperor kept himself aloof from the people.

(18) amalgam汞合金,混合物
记忆方法:am + alg(=all) + am(两个am合并)→混合物
衍生: amalgamate 混合
实例:In other words, American literature is to our eyes a curious amalgam of familiar and strange.

(19) amateur业余爱好者
近义词: dilettante
实例:With extra players on each team and amateur talent everywhere, it was a long way from a world-class exhibition.

The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!