GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Seven

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31. 简单词 1. current; 2. cure.
词根:-cur- (变形:cour )1. 流动,当前; 2. 治愈.

⒄ procure 取得,获得
实例:It remained very difficult to procure food, fuel and other daily necessities.

⒅ recourse n.求援;追索权;依赖;所依靠的物[人]
实例:Your only recourse is legal action.

⒆ intercourse n.交流 [生]交合
记忆方法:inter(在…之间)+course(跑,发生)→在…之间跑→ 交流
实例:1.The magazine becomes a cultural medium of intercourse between the two peoples.
2. There was close intercourse between them.

⒇ courser n.猎狗,打猎者,<诗>骏马
记忆方法:cours(跑,快速做)+er(表名词, 表物或人)→ 猎狗就是快速跑去找到猎物
实例:Once in a winter, a hunter went to hunt with his courser.

(21) scour 冲刷;擦亮;四处搜索
记忆方法:s(快速)+ cour(跑,快速做)→ 冲刷就是快速的刷→四处搜寻也是快速地找
实例:Rescue crews had scoured an area of 30 square miles.

(22) scourge 灾难,使痛苦
记忆方法:s(快速)+ cour(跑,快速做)+ ge→ 用鞭子抽打让人快速做→ 灾难,使痛苦
实例:1. The cruel captain used a scourge on his disobedient sailor.
2.the best chance in 20 years to end the scourge of terrorism.

(23) succor 救助,帮助
实例:I have learned to succor the unfortunate.

32. 简单词 cause 原因
词根:-caus- (变形:cus ) 原因

⑴ excuse 借口
近义词:digressive, excursive
实例:There are plenty of reasons for enjoying a healthier diet, and just as many excuses for not.

⑵ accuse 控告,指控
实例:After the deadly attacks, Christians accused the government of failing to protect churches.

33. 简单词 ace 一流的
词根:-ac- 尖端(就像扑克牌的A →尖端)

⑴ acme 顶点
近义词:apex(见难记词表), zenith(见难记词表), summit, apogee(见难记词表)
实例:His work is considered the acme of cinematic art.

⑵ acute 敏锐的, 医学上急性的(chronic的反义词)
实例:1. The war has aggravated an acute economic crisis.
2. In the dark my sense of hearing becomes so acute.
3. I was laid up in bed with acute rheumatism.

34. 简单词 quiet 安静
词根:-quie-(变形: qui) 安静

⑴ acquiesce 默许,勉强同意
实例:1. He has gradually acquiesced to the decision of his parents.
2. I loath to appear acquiescent.

⑵ quiescence 静止
记忆方法:quie(安静)+ scence→静止
实例:a quiescent Southern seaside town

⑶ disquiet 使不安,不安
实例:There is growing public disquiet about the cost of such policing

⑷ tranquil 安静的;平静的;宁静的
记忆方法:tran(=across穿)+quil(安静)→ 灵魂在安静中穿越→平静的,宁静的
近义词:serene, calm, peaceful
实例:The tranquil atmosphere of the resort allows guests to feel totally at home.

⑸ tranquility n.平静;安静;安宁;平稳
实例:While it has lost its tranquility, the area has gained in liveliness.

⑹ requiem n.(天主教)安魂弥撒;安魂曲;挽歌
记忆方法:re(一再)+ quie(安静)+em→不停寻回灵魂的安静→ 安魂曲, 安魂曲
实例:Behind me, the Washington Symphony Orchestra is playing Mozart's Requiem.

35. 简单词 require 要求
词根:-quire- (变形:qui, quis)寻求

⑴ requisite 必须的
记忆方法:re(一, 再)+quis(寻求)+ite→对于必须的东西是需要一再寻求的
实例:Mathematics in this view is cut-and-dried and calls for nothing so much as mastery of the requisite algorithms, and unlimited patience.

⑵ prerequisite 先决条件
记忆方法:pre(先, 前)+requisite(必须的)→先决条件
实例:The story I heard as a kid from a single parent family was that education was a non-negotiable prerequisite for anything else.

⑶ acquisitive 贪得无厌的
记忆方法:ac(to, 一直)+quis(要求)+ itive(形容词后缀)→不停要求→贪得无厌的
近义词:ravening, greedy, covetous, rapacious
实例:We live in an acquisitive society.

⑷ inquire 询问
衍生:inquisitive (刨根问底的)
实例:I did inquire again about it and follow it up.

⑸ perquisite 固定津贴,特权
实例:One of the perquisites of his employment is the cost-free long distance call.

⑹ disquisition 专题论文,专题演讲
实例:She launched into an authoritative disquisition about contracts.

⑺ exquisite 精致的,高雅的
实例:Some of the instrumentation is exquisite, particularly for harp and flute.

⑻ requite 报答
实例:1. to requite like for like 以恩报恩, 以牙还牙。 requite kindness with ingratitude 以怨报德

⑼ unrequited adj.(尤指爱情)得不到回应或报答的
记忆方法:un(不, 非, 没有)+ requited(报酬, 回报)→没有回报的
实例:1.Wickedness does not go altogether unrequited. 恶有恶报
2. She fell in an unrequited love with the artist.

36. 简单词second 第二
词根:-sec-(变形:sequ, secut ) 跟随,顺序(第二名就是紧跟第一的)

⑴ sequence 顺序
记忆方法:sequ(顺序)+ ence(表名词)→顺序
实例:This meant there was less funding from industry to sequence the rye genome, which is about 2½ times the size of the human genome.

⑵ sequent 接踵而来的
记忆方法:sequ(跟随)+ ent(表形容词)→ 跟随而来的
实例:Spatially localized place and grid codes might therefore be a manifestation of a general circuit mechanism for encoding sequential relationships between behaviourally relevant events.

⑶ subsequence 后果
衍生:subsequent 接踵而至的
实例:A literary coincidence compounded of a discreditable priority and an honorable subsequence.

⑷ obsequious 谄媚的
记忆方法:ob(=ab, to一直)+sequ(跟随)+ious(形容词后缀)→一直跟在后面→拍马屁的,谄媚的
近义词:fawning, adulating
实例:He looked at the two ladies with an obsequious air.


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