GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Eleven

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48. 简单词 vocabulary 词汇
词根:-voc- (变形: vok, voci) 说话

⑴ vocal 声音的

实例:Emily rails against her father when he attempts to curb her more vocal expressions of religious independence.

⑵ convoke 召集

实例:The king convoke parliament to cope with the impending danger.

⑶ advocate 支持者

实例:The practice, putatively aimed at identifying ineligible voters, stemmed from a controversial Ohio law that civil rights advocates considered a vestige of Jim Crow.

⑷ evoke 唤醒

实例:The piece even evokes the Baroque form of the chaconne, in which variations are spun over a repeated harmonic sequence.

⑸ revoke 取消,撤回

实例:The government revoked her husband's license.

⑹ provoke 触怒

实例:If one firm goes under it could provoke a cascade of bankruptcies.

⑺ invoke 请求,调用

衍生: invocation 乞求,祈祷
实例:She invoked several eminent scholars to back up her argument./…invocation of divine guidance…

⑻ vocation 职业

实例:Unless you can find someone to pay you to sip fancy tropical drinks on the beach, your vocation is not likely to be a "vacation."

⑼ avocation 副业

实例:Make authorship your avocation, not your vocation.

⑽ revocable 可废除的

记忆方法: revoc=revoke(撤销,取消)+able→可被取消的,可被废除的
实例:If a credit is opened without the word " irrevocable ", it can be considered revocable.

⑾ equivocal 模棱两可的

实例:On matters of principle we should be clear-cut in attitude, and by no means be equivocal.

⑿ vociferous 吵吵嚷嚷的

记忆方法:voci(=vok 出声, 叫喊)+fer(=bring/carry,表示"带来,拿来")+ous(表形容词)→带来叫喊声的→ 大声叫喊的→ 吵吵嚷嚷的
实例:He was a vociferous opponent of Conservatism.

49. 简单词 estimate 估计
词根:-est-(变形: ess, est, esth, aest ) 感觉(estimate→感觉出来的→估计)

⑴ esthetics 美学

记忆方法: esth(感觉)+etics(学问)→感觉的学问→美学
衍生:aesthetic 美学的, 审美的/ aesthetician审美学家
实例:Often you can tell a person's esthetic, or sense of what she thinks is beautiful, by stepping into her home and seeing how it's decorated.

⑵ anesthesia 感觉缺失;麻醉

记忆方法: an(无)+esthes(感觉)+ia(表名词, 病)→ 没有感觉的病→感觉缺失
衍生:anesthetic adj.感觉缺失的;麻木的
实例:Anesthesia is a drug that numbs part of your body or makes you unconscious so that you don't experience pain during a procedure like surgery.

⑶ intestine [解]肠; 内部的

记忆方法: int(=within 在…之内)+est(感觉)+ine(表名词/形容词,属性相关的)→在身体内的有感觉的存在→肠
实例:This vitamin is absorbed through the walls of the small intestine.

50.简单词 fable 寓言
词根:-fable- 说

⑴ affable 和蔼可亲的

记忆方法: af(=ad,一直)+fable(说话)→一直说话的→亲切的
近义词:friendly, amiable, sociable, approachable
实例:He was normally mild-mannered, affable, and untalkative.

⑵ ineffable 妙不可言的

记忆方法: in(不能)+effable(说出的)→无法说出的, 妙不可言的
实例:One thing all great leaders share is that ineffable quality that psychologists call “achievement motivation.”

51. 简单词 factory 工厂
词根:-fact-(变形:fact/fac, fect/fec, fic, fig, feat/feit, feign)做

⑴ artifact 人工制品

衍生:artificial 人工的
实例:The company diverted construction so the artifacts weren’t disturbed, a plan that the State Historic Preservation Office concurred with.

⑵ artifice 技巧, 诡计

记忆方法:arti(艺术→技巧)+ fice(做)→ 诡计
近义词:scheme, device, trick, foul
实例:His remorse is just an artifice to gain sympathy.

⑶ facile 容易的

实例:The subject of proprietary trading is too complex for facile summarization.

⑷ factor 因素,动力

实例:Here are some factors to keep in mind.

⑸ faction 派系,小团体

实例:There are multiple rival factions within the organization, dramatically decreasing the efficiency of innovation.

⑹ benefactor 捐助者,恩人

记忆方法: bene(好)+fact(做)+or(人)→做好事的人→捐助者,恩人
实例: He became a benefactor of disease control and prevention in his later stage of life.

⑺ olfactory 嗅觉的

记忆方法: ol(=oil) +fact(做)+ory→制造汽油的→刺鼻气味→嗅觉的 (olfaction:嗅觉)
实例:Human mind constantly depend on objects which are taken from visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile means.

⑻ affection 喜爱(爱戴,关怀)

记忆方法: af(一直)+fect(做)ion→一直做是因为喜爱之情→喜爱
实例:His charismatic leadership helped him gain affection from all the employees.

⑼ affect 影响,假装

记忆方法: af(一直)+fect(做)→影响→做过了,过犹不及→假装
实例:1. The new technology affects the survivorship of the traditional industry.
2. He listened to them, affecting an amused interest.

⑽ affected 假装的,做作的

实例:She had an affected air and a disdainful look.

⑾ disaffected 不满的,愤愤不平的

记忆方法: 注意和affected区分
实例:Environmental issues provided a rallying point for people disaffected with the government.

⑿ affectation 假装

记忆方法: af(一直)+fect(做)ation→一直做→过犹不及→假装,矫情, 注意和affection区分
实例:She raised her eyebrows with the affectation of surprise.

⒀ defect 缺点

记忆方法: de(向下)+fect(做)→缺点
实例:A report has pointed out the defects of the present system.


The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!