CEO Zeyu give a seminar at the event “Career Panorama” in University of Hong Kong

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Our CEO and Founder Mr. Zeyu Li was invited by the Business and Economics Association HKUSU in the University of Hong Kong to give a seminar at the event "Career Panorama" On 28th Feb 2016.

Zeyu used 3 real examples of his friends’ business failures to illustrate 3 vital principles to successfully start a business:

1. Misunderstanding between winning probability and success – what are the key factors that contribute to the success of an entrepreneur;

2. Start too fast and too big – when taking risk, rule number 1 is to ensure your survivorship;

3. Making mistakes wisely – verifying the most important assumptions first.

For many students with the sparks of enthusiasm of start a business, they were struggling with moving beyond the idea phase. Zeyu also shared with students how he started Essence Educational from scratch, and how to applied the above principles to his current entrepreneurial explore.

The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!