GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Fifty – Six

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281 linger 逗留
词根:'-ling- 逗留
变形:ling, linq, lict
4 . relic n.遗物,遗迹; 废墟; 纪念物
记忆方法: re(一再)+lic(逗留)→一再逗留的东西→ 遗物,遗迹,纪念物
实例: The tower is a relic of grim days when big houses had to be fortified against invaders.

282 ridiculous 荒谬的,可笑的
词根:'-rid- 笑
1 . deride 嘲笑
记忆方法: de(加强)+rid(笑)→嘲笑
实例: This theory is widely derided by conventional scientists.

2 . derisive 嘲笑的
记忆方法: deride的形容词
实例: Dirk Stroeve was one of those persons whom, according to your character, you cannot think of without derisive laughter or an embarrassed shrug of the shoulders.('The moon and Sixpenses')

283 rise 上升;增强
词根:'-ris- 升起
1 . uprising n. 起义,暴动;升起
记忆方法: up(向上)+ris(升起,唤醒)+ing(现在分词作动名词)→ 向上升起→ 起义,暴动
实例: Isolated attacks in the north-east of the country have now turned into a full-scale uprising.

284 spoil 宠坏
词根:spoil 宠坏
1 . despoil 掠夺
记忆方法: de(强调)+spoil(宠坏)→掠夺
实例: a landscape despoiled by coal-mining and heavy industry

285 attract 吸引
词根:'-tract- 拉,抽(draw)
1 . tract n.大片土地;广阔的地面
记忆方法: tract(拉)→拉伸的地面→大片土地
实例: A vast tract of land is ready for development.

2 . detract 贬损,贬低(from)
记忆方法: de(向下)+tract(拉)→贬损
实例: These revelations should not detract from his achievements.

3 . intractable 难对付的,难管教的,困难的
记忆方法: in(无法)+tract(拉)+able(可以)→拉不动的→难缠的
衍生: tractable 易管教的
实例: What may be done to reduce the influence of intractable opponents?

4 . protract 拉长
记忆方法: pro(向前)+tract(拉)→拉长
实例: Three hours have passed since the discussion was begun, and I'm afraid they will protract it still longer.

5 . retract v. 撤销,收回
记忆方法: re(回)+ tract(拉)→拉回来= 撤销,收回
衍生: retraction
实例: 1. Mr. Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement, but it had just been broadcast on national radio. 2. A cat can retract its claws, but a dog can't.

6 . subtract 减去
记忆方法: sub(向下)+tract(拉)→减去
衍生: subtraction 减法
实例: subtract 43 from 60.

286 previous 之前的
词根:'-vi- 道路(way)
变形:vi, vect
1 . deviate 偏离
记忆方法: de(离开,除去)+vi(道路)→偏离
实例: deviated from their original plan;

2 . devious 迂回的,不正大光明的
记忆方法: de(离开)+vi(正路)→不正大光明的
实例: He was devious, prepared to say one thing in print and another in private

3 . obviate 排除(困难)
记忆方法: ob(不)+vi(way)→去除道路上的(障碍)→排除
实例: The use of a solicitor trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice.

4 . vector 矢量
记忆方法: vect=vi(道路)
实例: cartesian vector

5 . invective 谩骂
记忆方法: in(进入)+vect(道路)+ive→进入(别人的)道路→挡道→谩骂
实例: She maintained a stream of invective and abuse against him.

6 . convection n.传送,对流
记忆方法: con(一起)+vect(道路)+ion(表名词)→ 走到一起→ 传送, 对流
实例: This will help generate air convection.

287 comfortable 舒服的
词根:fort 强大,坚固
1 . discomfit 使难堪
记忆方法: dis(不)+comfit=comfort(安逸)→使不安逸→使难堪
实例: He was particularly discomfited by the dismissal of his plan.

2 . fortress 要塞
记忆方法: fort(坚固)+ress(表名词,构筑物)→坚固的构筑物
实例: The strong fortress mocked the invaders.

3 . fortify 加强,巩固
记忆方法: fort(坚固)+ity(表动词,使...)→使坚固
实例: In the Minskyan trajectory, this is when firms and banks are at their most cautious, wary of repeating past mistakes and determined to fortify their balance-sheets.

341 . ditch 沟渠,丢弃
记忆方法: 联想记忆: dig(挖)→ditch(沟渠),衍生为丢弃
实例: 1. A ditch is a long narrow channel cut into the ground at the side of a road or field. 2. Unpopular policies such as unilateral disarmament were ditched.

342 . diva 歌剧中的女主角
记忆方法: 常见词
实例: You can refer to a successful and famous female opera singer as a diva.

343 . divine 神的,天赐的
记忆方法: 常见词
实例: divine inspiration

344 . dogged 顽强的,坚持不懈的
记忆方法: dog在西方人认为是一种顽强的动物,例如雪橇犬
实例: They have gained respect through sheer dogged determination.

345 . doggerel 打油诗
记忆方法: 联想记忆: dog+ger=generate+el→狗都能作出来的(诗歌)→打油诗
实例: He had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind.

346 . doldrums 忧郁,赤道无风带
记忆方法: 联想记忆: do(打)+old(老的)+drum(鼓)→打旧鼓→无生气,沉闷
实例: The economy is in the doldrums.

347 . dossier 档案材料,病例
记忆方法: 来源于法语,比较常见
实例: we have a dossier on him.

348 . dote 溺爱,宠爱
记忆方法: 联想记忆: dot(点)+e→手中的小点点→心肝宝贝→溺爱
实例: He dotes on his nine-year-old son.

349 . douse 浇水,熄灭
记忆方法: 发音记忆: dou(倒)+se→倒水
实例: The pumps were started and the crew began to douse the fire with water.

350 . souse 腌,浸泡(于盐水中)
记忆方法: 来源于douse
实例: souse fish (腌鱼) / Children souse themselves into the water during the summer time.

The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!