29. 简单词 module 模块,课程的单元
词根:-mod- 模式(=mode),方式(manner)
⑸ mold 模子,霉菌,铸造
记忆方法:mold=mod(模式) →用模式制造出来的→模子
实例:1. The sweatful practice sessions mold mighty football teams.
2. Melted metal is poured into a mold to harden into shape.
⑹ accommodate 为…提供食宿, 使适应
记忆方法:ac(to,一直)+com(共同的)+mod(模式)+ate(动词后缀)→使得进入相同的模式→调和, 使适应
实例:This place is used to accommodate the tourists./It took a while for the team to accommodate his view.
30. 简单词complex 复杂的
根词:-plex- (变形:plic) 重叠
⑴ complicated 复杂的
近义词:intricate, complex, entangled, knotty
实例:“As the election year opens, particularly the presidential elections, it becomes more complicated for any type of international negotiation.”
⑵ duplicate 复制品
实例:“It felt like an opportunity to explore something in VR that’s dreamlike, instead of an effort at duplicating reality.”
⑶ duplicity 表里不一,欺骗
实例:His duplicity caused us to distrust him.
⑷ replicate 重现
衍生:replica 复制品
实例:Tesla is spending heavily on research and development, and perhaps its technology will be difficult or impossible for others to replicate.
⑸ implicate 牵连, 含蓄表明
记忆方法:im(入)+plic(重叠)+ate→进入重叠之中→不明说→含蓄表明 (中国人经常一句话好几种说法→含蓄)
实例:He was forced to resign when one of his subordinates was implicated into a financial scandal.
⑹ explicate 直说
实例:As a biographer of Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Isaacson knows how to explicate and celebrate genius: revered, long-dead genius.
New York Times
⑺ implicit/ explicit 含蓄的/直截了当的
ex(出)+plic(重叠) +it→从重叠之中出来→直截了当的
实例:President Donald Trump ordered a review of banking rules with the implicit aim of loosening them.
Researchers observing the subjects will also intervene to ask explicit questions about what’s motivating certain emotions as they book travel.
⑻ explicable 可解释的
实例:Everything in nature, including the origins of living things, should be explicable by comprehensible laws.
⑼ accomplice 共犯
实例:He became an unwitting accomplice in the crime.
⑽ complicity 合谋
记忆方法:com(共同)+plic(重叠,纠缠)+ity(名词结尾)→共同纠缠一起→合谋,注意和complicated, complexion区分
实例:A number of police was sentenced to death due to their complicity in the murder.
⑾ perplexed 困惑的
实例:She is perplexed about what to do for her daughter.
⑿ complexion 肤色,特质
实例:1. ...those with acne or oily complexions.
2. Every time the political complexion of the government changed, so did the defense policy
31. 简单词1. current; 2. Cure.
词根:-cur- (变形:cour )1. 流动,当前; 2. 治愈.
⑴excursive 离题的
近义词:digressive, discursive
实例:His speech is filled with excursive statements.
⑵ excursion 远足,跑题
实例:In Bermuda, Sam's father took him on an excursion to a coral barrier.
⑶ cursory 粗略的
近义词:hasty, superficial
实例:I only took a cursory reading to the letter.
⑷ procurator 代理人(主要是法律的代理人,检察官,或者较高级职位的代理)
实例:A procurator is an administrative official with legal powers, especially in the former Soviet Union, the Roman Catholic Church, or the ancient Roman Empire.
⑸ scurry vi.快跑,仓皇奔跑
实例:The rats scurry around, searching for scraps of food in the rubbish.
⑹ scurrilous 说话粗鄙的,下流的,嘴损的
记忆方法:scurri(仓皇的跑)+lous(表形容词)→ 不雅的→说话粗俗不雅的
实例:She was frightened by an utterly false accusation and an utterly scurrilous threat.
⑺ concur 同时出现,意见一致(concur with)
记忆方法:con(共同)+cur(发生) →同时出现
实例:Local feeling does not necessarily concur with the press.
⑻ recur 再次出现
记忆方法:re(再)+cur(发生) →再次出现
实例:The weather patterns — warmth in the Pacific Northwest is another one — tend to recur in different El Niño years.
⑼ accurate 精确的
实例:Colleges and universities are required to provide timely, accurate and complete information on enrollment status.
⑽ curious 好奇的
衍生:curiosity (…osity指多的状态)
实例:Am I asking at least three to five smart questions that convey I'm intellectually curious and will add value to the organization?
⑾ curator 博物馆馆长
实例:He is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum.
⑿ curatorial 管理者的
记忆方法:curator(博物馆馆长)+ial(表形容词) →管理者的
实例:the museum's curatorial team
⒀ cursive 草书的
实例:Chinese cursive writing is very difficult to read.
⒁ discursive 东拉西扯的,离题的
实例:His own toast was discursive and overlong, though rather touching.
⒂ obscure 模糊的,遮掩
实例:1.The origin of the custom is obscure. 2. One wall of the parliament building is now almost completely obscured by a huge banner.
⒃ precursor 先驱
实例:He said that the deal should not be seen as a precursor to a merger.