198 chant 咏唱,圣乐
词根: -chant- 唱(=sing)
(1).cant 黑话,术语
记忆方法: cant从唱衍生出来的术语
近义词: jargon
实例: There has been a great deal of politician's cant.
(2).cantankerous 脾气不好的
记忆方法: cant(黑话)+ank(看做anger)+erous→说黑话让人生气的
近义词: bad-tempered
实例: He met a crabbed, cantankerous director.
(3).descant 详论,高音部
记忆方法: des(加强)+cant(唱)→详论
实例: An elderly woman, arms crossed, sang the descant.
(4).cantata 清唱剧,大合唱
记忆方法: cant(唱)+ata→ 大合唱
实例: The music of the song has been rearranged for the cantata.
(5).enchanted 被施魔法的,被迷住的
记忆方法: en(使得)+chant(唱歌)→使得高兴的唱起歌来→使迷醉
近义词: spellbound, enthralled
实例: She was enchanted with the flowers you sent her.
(6).incantation 咒语
记忆方法: in(入)+cant(黑话)+ation→咒语
实例: The act of conjuring up a spirit by incantation.
(7).recant vt.撤回(声明),放弃(信仰或主张)
记忆方法: re(反)+ cant(唱)→唱反调→撤回,放弃信仰或主张
实例: However, life would be pleasanter if he would recant his heresies.
199 1. capture 抓获 ; 2. captain 船长
词根: -cap- "1. 抓; 2. 头;"
(1).captivate 迷住
记忆方法: capt(抓)+ivate(表动词)→俘获
衍生: captive 被俘获的
实例: For 40 years she has captivated the world with her radiant looks.
(2).capricious 反复无常的
记忆方法: 联想记忆: cap头部+ricious(表形容词)=ridiculous,头部不可理喻→反复无常
近义词: erratic, mercurial, abnormal, irregular
实例: We can't go camping while the weather is so capricious.
(3).cape 海角,斗篷
记忆方法: cap(头)+e(出)→像头一样伸进海里→海角
实例: a black cape with a red stripe down the back
(4).decapitate 斩首,杀头
记忆方法: de(除去)+capit(头)+ate→斩首
实例: a pile of freshly decapitated chickens
(5).recapitulate vt.&vi.总结,扼要重述; 摘要
记忆方法: re(重新)+capit(头部,首要)+ulate→重新描绘首要部分→扼要重述
实例: Let's just recapitulate the essential points.
(6).capitation n.均摊,人头税,按人头计算
记忆方法: capit(头)+ation(表名词)→ 按人头收税
实例: a capitation fee for each pupil
(7).capitulate vi.认输,屈服
记忆方法: capit(头)+ulate(表动词)→ 低头
衍生: capitulation n. 低头,让步,屈服
实例: They were finally forced to capitulate to the terrorists' demands
200 1. card 卡片; 2. cardinal 主要的; 3. according 根据
词根: -card- "1. 卡片,纸; 2. 心脏; 3. 一致;"
变形:card, cord, cart, chart,cardi, cardio
(1).discard 丢弃
记忆方法: dis(不)+card(卡片)→不要卡片→丢弃
实例: Discard any old cleaning materials.
(2).cardiac 心脏的
记忆方法: card(心脏)+iac(表形容词)→心脏的
实例: cardiac arrest/failure
(3).electrocardiogram 心电图
记忆方法: electro(电子的)+cardio(心脏)+gram(图)→心电图
实例: An electrocardiogram showed right heart strain.
(4).cardiologist 心脏病学家
记忆方法: cardi(心脏)+ologist(表名词…人)→心脏病学家
实例: The next year she was referred to both a chest physician and a cardiologist but no further investigations were done.
(5).cordial 首要的,热情的
记忆方法: cord(心脏)+ial→首要的,热情的
实例: They all greeted me very cordially and were eager to talk about the new project.
(6).discord 不和,不一致
记忆方法: dis(不)+cord(心脏,一致)→不一致
实例: After they had parted in discord, he stood alone outside his gate.
200.cupidity 贪婪
记忆方法: 联想记忆: cupid丘比特,爱神+ity→一个人对爱情的贪欲→贪婪
实例: There was a glimmer of cupidity in those small, cunning eyes of his.
201.cynical 愤世嫉俗的
记忆方法: cyn(狗)→犬儒主义的
实例: If you describe someone as cynical, you mean they believe that people always act selfishly.
202.cache 藏物处
记忆方法: 电脑中的常见词汇cache(缓存)
实例: a cache of explosives
203.cadaver 尸体
记忆方法: 联想记忆: cada=cata(下落,参见occasion)+daver=david(大卫)→大卫陨落→尸体
实例: Examination of a cadaver is to determine the cause of death.
204.cajole 诱骗
记忆方法: 联想记忆: caj=cage(笼子)+jole=jail(监狱)→诱骗(到笼子监狱中) 近义词: finagle
实例: He cajoled Mr Robbinson to vote for the mayor.
205.calamity 灾祸
记忆方法: 联想记忆: cal=call + am(=me)+ity→call me,有了灾祸记得call me!
实例: He described drugs as the greatest calamity of the age.
206.caldron/cauldron 大锅
记忆方法: 发音记忆: "扣蒸"→大锅
实例: A jet of coffee steams from the burnished caldron.
207.caliber 口径
记忆方法: 常用词, cal=calculate 衍生: calibrate 校准
实例: They ought to win with players of such high caliber.
208.cameo 椭圆形浮雕首饰→文章电影等的精彩片段,角色
记忆方法: 联想记忆: came(来)+o(椭圆形)→来的椭圆形饰品
实例: 1. He played a cameo role, that of a young Aids patient in hospital.
2. That little girl is wearing a cameo brooch.
209.camouflage 伪装
记忆方法: 联想记忆: camou=camel(骆驼)+flag(旗子)→骆驼插旗子→冒充孔雀→伪装,冒充
实例: They were dressed in camouflage and carried automatic rifles.