GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Thirty – Seven

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169 physician 内科医生 -phys- 身体
词根:-phys- 身体

(1).physical 身体的

实例:She was in constant physical pain.

(2).physiology 生理学

记忆方法:physi(身体)+ology (表名词, 学科)→身体有关的学科
实例:The session may cover the background anatomy and physiology necessary for the understanding of diseases treated on the ward.

(3).asphyxiate 使窒息

记忆方法:as(无)+phyx(physical身体)+iate→无身体即无呼吸→使窒息 同义词:suffocate
实例:He died in his bath, asphyxiated by the fumes from a gas water-heater.

170 astronaut 宇航员
词根:-naut- navy变体,航行 naus

(1).nausea 晕船,想吐

记忆方法:naus(航行)+ea(表疾病)→航行中的疾病 衍生: nauseate
实例:She could not eat anything without feeling nauseated.

(2).nautical 海上的

实例:Have the nautical chart at your fingertips, and you'll be able to steer your ship.

171 stigma (参见难记词表) 污点
词根:-stigma- 标记(mark)

(1).astigmatic 散光的

实例:astigmatic eyes

(2).stigmatize vt.使受耻辱,指责,污辱

记忆方法:stigma(斑点)+tize(=ize表动词)→ 使给斑点→使给污点→ 使受耻辱
实例:They are often stigmatized by the rest of society as lazy and dirty.

172 sunder (参见难记词表) 分开 sunder 分开
词根:sunder 分开

(1).asunder 分开的

实例:The crisis is tearing Wall Street asunder.

173 triumph 巨大的胜利
词根:-triumph- 胜利,营养 trophy

(1).atrophy 萎缩

实例:When a muscle or other part of the body atrophies, it decreases in size or strength, often as a result of an illness.

(2).trophy n.纪念品,战利品

实例:1. His name was inscribed on the trophy. 2.His office was lined with animal heads, trophies of his hunting hobby.

174 attend 参加
词根:-tend- 延伸(stretch),拉 -tenu- 由tend衍生而来,细(thin)

(1).contend 竞争

记忆方法:con(一起)+tend(伸展)→竞争 衍生: contentious 引起争论的,好争论的
实例:Three armed groups are contending for power.

(2).attentive 留意的

实例:He wishes the government would be more attentive to detail in their response.

(3).attenuate 减轻,使变薄

记忆方法:at(to,一直)+tenu(细)+ate→变细,减轻 近义词: assuage, mitigate, pacify, soothe, allay, alleviate
实例:You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.

(4).tenuous 薄的,少的

实例:The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous.

(5).extenuate 拉长

实例:Nothing can extenuate such appalling behavior.

(6).portend 预示

实例:These signs portended the approach of a violent revolutionary storm.

(7).retentive 有记性的,记性强的

实例:He is a scholar who has wide learning and a retentive memory.

(8).tendentious adj.(指演说、文章等)有偏见的;倾向的

记忆方法:tendency n. 倾向,趋势之形容词
实例:His analysis was rooted in a somewhat tendentious reading of French history.

(9).tender adj.纤弱的;嫩的;温柔的;温和的;亲切的

实例:He had become attracted to the game at the tender age of seven.

(10).tendril n.(植物的)卷须;卷须状物,卷发

记忆方法:tend(伸展,趋向)+il→ 卷须及卷发都是伸展的且具有趋向性的
实例:Tendrils of hair strayed to the edge of her pillow.

(11).tensile adj.可伸展的;可拉长的

记忆方法:tens(伸展,趋向)+ile(表形容词)→可伸展的,有趋向性的→拉力的,张力的 近义词: flexible
实例:Certain materials can be manufactured with a high tensile strength.

(150).bliss 巨大的幸福,福佑

记忆方法:联想记忆: 来源于bless 近义词: blissful(幸福的),blithe(快乐的)
实例:She clings to a romantic fantasy of wedded bliss.

(151).bloat 肿起来,胀大

记忆方法:联想记忆: blow(打)→bloat(肿)
实例:As a result, during the boom, banks were allowed to bloat.

(152).blunt 直率的,迟钝的

记忆方法:常见词,经常用sorry to be blunt表示恕我直言
实例:The blunt truth of …

(153).brunt 首当其冲,受到主要冲击(bear/take the brunt)

记忆方法:联想记忆: 和blunt一起记忆,太过blunt的人经常受到brunt
实例:Young people are bearing the brunt of unemployment.

(154).bluster 咆哮

记忆方法:联想记忆: 和buster一起,you buster, don't bluster
实例:He was still blustering, but there was panic in his eyes.

(155).bode 预示

实例:These signs bode bad news.

(156).bog 沼泽;使陷入泥沼

记忆方法:dog 落入bog 近义词: swamp, marsh
实例:Don't walk across that field, it's a bog.

(157).bogeyman 可怕的人,怪物

记忆方法:联想记忆: bog+ey=eye+man→沼泽中有一个眼睛的人→可怕的人
实例:Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.

(158).boggle 踌躇,犹豫,和at搭配

记忆方法:联想记忆: bog看到前面是沼泽自然要犹豫,踌躇该怎么做
实例:The mind boggles at the possibilities that could be in store for us.

(159).bogus 假的,伪造的,冒牌货

记忆方法:联想记忆: bogus→bugs→全是bug的假冒伪劣品
实例:He said these figures were bogus and totally inaccurate.

The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!