词根 - err- 漫游 →因而走错,错误
① erratic, 反复无常的
近义词:irregular, abnormal, capricious, mercurial
实例: He got arrested due to his erratic driving mode.
②aberrant, 异常的, 非典型的, 越轨的
记忆方法:ab(=to) + err(错误)+ant(形容词后缀)→导致错误的→异常的
近义词:anomalous, abnormal, irregular
实例:It reflects the aberrant personality of some American politicians towards China's continuous development and increasing power.
③erroneous, 错误的
近义词:incorrect, untrue, false, wrong
实例:They have arrived at some erroneous conclusions.
④unerring, 准确无误的;无偏差的
近义词:ample, plentiful, fruitful
实例:There is an abundant supply of cheap labor.
8.简单词, bet
词根 -bet- 打赌,相信(因为相信才敢打赌)
①abet, 教唆, 煽动
近义词:agitate, demagogue, sedition, instigate
实例:We shall strike hard, without flinching, at terrorists and those who abet them.
9.简单词, pedal
词根 - ped- 足,孩子(同一词根的两个意思起源不同因而关联性不大,须分别记忆)
①pedestrian, 行人
记忆方法:ped(足)+ estrian(名词后缀),这也是一个简单词
实例: If you're driving, you might fight the urge to run over those annoying pedestrians!
② biped, 两足的, 两足动物
衍生:类似的词还有uniped(=soliped) 独脚的, quadruped (四足的),centipede(蜈蚣), multiped(多足的)
实例:Human beings are one example of bipeds.
③expedition, 远征
记忆方法:ex(出)+ped(足)+ition(名词后缀)→走出去→ 远征
实例:Forty-three members of the expedition were killed.
④expedite, 使加速, 促进
近义词:accelerate, precipitate
实例:We will try our best to expedite your strategic plans.
⑤expedient, 方便的, 权宜之计的
实例:The simple expedient solution for the moment is to cut costs by reducing the number of employees but this cannot help in the long run.
⑥expeditious, 迅速的
实例:The manager's expeditious action only leads to simple expedient solution that is detrimental in the long term.
⑦ impede, 妨碍
记忆方法:im(入)+ped(足)→插入脚→制造妨碍, 和expedite一起记忆
实例:One shouldn't impede other's progress.
⑧ pedagogue, 教师, 好为人师者
记忆方法:ped(孩子)+agog(=lead引导)→ 引导孩子的人,教师
实例:De Gaulle was a born pedagogue who used the public platform and the television screen to great effect.
⑨ pedagogics, 教育学
记忆方法: ped(孩子)+agog(=lead引导) +ics(学科)→ 教育学
实例:The science of Pedagogics cannot be derived from a simple principle with such exactness as Logic and Ethics.
⑩pedant, 迂腐的教师
记忆方法: ped(孩子)+ant( 表形容词,…的人)→ 教育孩子的人
实例:A man of talent is one thing , and a pedant another.
⑪pedology, 儿科学
记忆方法: ped(孩子)+logy(学科)
⑫pediatrics, 儿科学
记忆方法: ped(孩子)+ iatrics(医学)→儿科
实例:He received a Bachelor's drgee of Pediatrics.
10.简单词, pedagogue
词根 - agog- ,引导
①demagogue, 煽动人心者
记忆方法:dem(人民,参见democracy) + agog(引导) →引导人民者→煽动人心者
近义词:abet, sedition, instigation, agitation
实例:The demagogue has won people's support.
②agog, 兴奋的, 渴望的
记忆方法:agog(引导)→ 之所以被引导,是因为有令人渴望的东西→兴奋的,渴望的
实例:The employees are agog with rumors that the company will start its IPO soon.
11. 简单词, agent
词根 -ag- (变形: gent) 做,代理做(agent = ag (代理做)+ent(…人)→帮忙做的人→代理人)
① agile, 灵活的
实例:Building an agile company adaptive to changing conditions is the key way to create competitive advantage.
②agitate, 鼓动
记忆方法:ag(做)+it+ate (动词词缀)→反复做→鼓动
近义词:abet, demagogue, sedition, instigate
实例:Raising his voice and growing agitated, he replied that there was no Russia issue.
③reagent, 化学试剂
实例:reagent paper, reagent bottle, etc.
④cogent, 有说服力的, 令人信服的
实例:She put forward some cogent reasons for abandoning the plan.
⑤transigent, 妥协的
实例:The teacher was intransigent about her most famous rule: no gum or candy in her classroom unless you’d brought enough to share with everybody.
⑥intransigence, 不妥协, 不让步
实例:He often appeared angry and frustrated by the intransigence of both sides.
⑦protagonist, 主角, 提倡者
实例:1. The chief protagonists in the competition are Visa and MasterCard, the world's leading credit card brands.
2.They are the main protagonists of their countries' integration into the world market.
12.简单词, horrible
词根 - hor- 害怕
①abhor, 极端厌恶
记忆方法:ab(to)+ hor→到恐惧的程度→极端厌恶
近义词:abhor>detest>hate>dislike, despise, loathe, scorn, resent, abominate, detest
实例:He was a man who abhorred violence and was deeply committed to reconciliation.
13. 简单词, test
词根- test- 测验,证据
①contest, 竞赛
实例:The latest opinion polls are predicting a very close contest.
②protest, 抗议
实例:They were protesting soaring prices.
③detest, 憎恨
近义词:abhor>detest>hate>dislike, despise, loathe, scorn, resent, abominate
实例:She detested being photographed.