51. 简单词 factory 工厂
词根:-fact-(变形:fact/fac, fect/fec, fic/fict, fig, feat/feit, feign)做
(14) deficit 亏空,赤字
记忆方法: de(向下)+fic(做)→亏空
衍生: deficient有亏空的
实例: If an account or organization is in deficit, more money has been spent than has been received.
(15) fiction 小说
记忆方法: fic(做)+tion(表名词)→凭空创造出来的→小说
实例:“Truth is better than fiction, and we are strong believers in that.”(New York Times)
(16) fictitious 假想的,编造的
记忆方法: fict(做)+itious(多…的)→编造的
实例:We're interested in the source of these fictitious rumours.
(17) officious 爱管闲事的
记忆方法: 来源于office→办公室小人→爱管闲事的
实例:They wouldn't welcome any officious interference from the union.
(18) proficient 熟练的,精通的
记忆方法: pro(向前)+fic(做)+ient→做在别人前面→熟练的,精通的
实例:She's proficient in several languages.
(19) efficacious 有效的
实例:Despite these challenges, efficacious public health interventions are available to prevent thousands of Generation Zika-related disabilities and deaths. (US News, Aug 10, 2016)
(20) suffice 足够,使充分
记忆方法:sufficient 的动词
实例:A cover letter should never exceed one page; often a far shorter letter will suffice.
(21) deficient 不足的;亏空的
记忆方法: deficit 赤字, 亏空
实例:An educational system which fails to teach basic arithmetic is seriously deficient.
(22) sacrifice 牺牲,牺牲品
记忆方法: sacri(神)+fic(做)→为神做的东西→牺牲
实例:As such the truth is sacrificed for the twin purposes of political expediency and serving America’s longtime obsession with “black crime.”(Salon April 21, 2017)
(23) figurehead 傀儡
实例:The party's president had become merely a figurehead.
(24) disfigure 损毁外形
实例:Many of the wounded had been badly disfigured.
(25) figment 虚构的事物
记忆方法: fig(做)+ment→做出来的东西→虚构的事物
实例:The person vanished as silently as if it had simply been a figment of her imagination.
(26) figurative 比喻的, 具象的
记忆方法:figur(=fig 做)+ative(形容词)→具体做出来的东西→具象的
实例:His career spanned some 50 years and encompassed both abstract and figurative painting.
(27) feat 功绩, 技术
实例:This bridge is a brilliant feat of engineering.
(28) defeat 击败
实例:As he acknowledged defeat for the healthcare bill, Trump said Republicans would likely pivot to tax reform.( Reuters, March 24, 2017)
(29) counterfeit 仿制品,仿制的
近义词: artificial, fake, copied, imitative
实例:He admitted possessing and delivering counterfeit currency.
(30) forfeit (因违规)丧失,失去
记忆方法:for(放弃) +feit(做)→做了某事而失去→(因违规)丧失
实例:The murderers forfeit their own right to life.
(31) feign 假装
实例:You might feign indifference when you hear about some gossip, but you're probably dying to know.
(32) fickle (爱情,友谊等)变化无常的
近义词:mercurial, erratic, irregular, capricious
实例:Fluctuating prices usually base on a fickle public's demand.
(33) surfeit 过量,过度(尤指饮食而不适; vt./vi.吃得过多, 吃腻)
记忆方法:sur(超过)+ feit(做)→ 做得过多→吃得过多
实例:1. A surfeit of food makes one sick.
2. Steve surfeited himself on jam tarts.
52. 简单词 filial 子女的(见难记词表)
词根:-fili- 1.子女的;2.线条
⑴ affiliate 隶属于, 加入, 子公司
实例:He is not affiliated with any political party.
⑵ filigree 金银细工
记忆方法: fili(线)+gree(=grain颗粒)→线+颗粒→金银细工
实例:The word filigree is used to refer to delicate ornamental designs made with gold or silver wire.
⑶ filibuster 阻碍(议案)通过
实例:A group of senators plan to filibuster the measure of changing the current tax laws.
53.简单词 firm 确定的
(1) affirmative 肯定的
实例:He was desperately eager for an affirmative answer.
(2) infirm 虚弱的
实例:We need to care for the elder and infirm.
(3) confirm 确定
实例:What I found both confirmed and shook my perspective.
54. 简单词 conflict 争吵
词根:-flict- 打,折磨
(1) affliction 痛苦,折磨
记忆方法:af(一直)+flict(折磨)+ion→痛苦, 折磨
实例:Now he was in deep affliction for the loss of his brother.
(2) inflict 折磨
记忆方法: in(入)+flict(折磨)→折磨
注意:Both afflict and inflict cause pain, but afflict means to cause suffering or unhappiness, something a disease does, but inflict means to force pain or suffering, like if you smack someone upside the head.
实例:The risk is that the GOP’s “rescue mission” will inflict collateral damage on what’s working and cause new problems. ( Seattle Times, Mar 12, 2017 )
55. 简单词 influence 影响
词根:-flu- 流动
(1) fluent 流利的,液态的
实例:She will be polite and genteel and speak fluent French, Latin, Swahili, Greek and one language that is mostly clicks and glottal stops.
(2) confluent 汇聚的
实例:A confluent small-pox had in all directions flowed over his face.(Washington Post, April 18, 2017)