GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Twenty – Nine

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129. negative 否定的 -neg- 否定

(1). negate 取消,否定

记忆方法: neg(否定)+ate→取消,否定
实例: Our actions often negate our principles.

(2). negligible 可以忽略的

记忆方法: neg(否定)+lig(选择)+ible(能)→能不用选择的→可被忽略的
实例: "The inclusion of smaller producing non-OPEC countries such as Turkmenistan, Egypt and the Ivory Coast would be a negligible boost, in our view," Deutsche said. (Returns, May 23, 2017)

(3). negligent 疏忽的

记忆方法: neg(否定)+lig(选择)+ent→没有选择的→疏忽的
实例: The jury determined that the airline was negligent in training and supervising the crew.

(4). abnegation 放弃(主要是信仰,教条)→衍生为自我克制

记忆方法: ab(to一直)+negation(取消)→取消,放弃
实例: "1. Men with that capacity for self - abnegation do not reach a Presidency. 2. They discussed the abnegation of God."

(5). renegade 叛徒

记忆方法: re(重新)+neg(否定)+ade(个人,集体)→重新否认从属于集体→叛徒 近义词: traitor, betrayer, apostasy
实例: When he was doing underground work he was arrested because a renegade informed against him.

(6). renege 食言,违约; 放弃

记忆方法: re(反)+neg(否定)+e→ 反过来否认→ 食言, 违例
实例: You said you'd come, why did you renege on your promise?

130. eraser 橡皮擦 -ras- 刮擦(scrape) ras, raz

(1). abrasive 不友好的

记忆方法: ab(一直)+rase(磨平)→一直在磨人家→不友好的
衍生: abrasion, abrase(磨平)
实例: His abrasive manner has won him an unenviable notoriety.

(2). raze 夷为平地

记忆方法: ras(刮擦)+e(表动词)→把地面刮擦了
实例: Towns were virtually razed to the ground during the war.

(3). irascible 易怒的

记忆方法: ir(=ire怒火,参见难记词表)+rasc=rase(刮擦)+ible(能够,容易...)→容易和别人产生摩擦的→易怒的
实例: He had an irascible temper.

(4). razor 剃刀,刮面刀

记忆方法: raz(刮擦)+or(表名词, 物品)→ 剃刀
实例: If you need to shave, you'll want to use a razor.

(5). raspy adj.刺耳的,焦躁的,易怒的

记忆方法: ras(刮擦)+py(表形容词)→ 刺耳的,焦躁的,易怒的
实例: Her voice was raspy with nicotine and whiskey.

131. solve 解决 -solve- 溶解,解决,松开

(1). absolve 免除责任

记忆方法: ab(加强)+solve(解决)→强力解决→免除责任
实例: If a report or investigation absolves someone from blame or responsibility, it formally states that he or she is not guilty or is not to blame.

(2). solvent 有偿债能力的

记忆方法: solv(解决)+ent→有能力解决的→有偿债能力的
衍生: solvency 偿债能力
实例: I don’t know how we managed to remain solvent.

(3). resolve 决心

记忆方法: re(反复)+solve(解决)→只有下定决心才能解决问题
实例: After the divorce she resolved never to marry again.

(4). dissolve 溶解

记忆方法: dis(分开)+solve(溶解)→溶解
实例: Heat gently until the sugar dissolves.

(5). dissolute adj.放荡的,淫乱的

记忆方法: dis(分开)+ solut(溶解)+e→ 溶解开来→ 没有限制的→ 放荡的, 淫乱的
衍生: dissolution n.
实例: You can't deny that he has been an idle, worthless, dissolute and dishonorable rogue.

(6). soluble adj.[化] 可溶的;可以解决的;可以解释的

记忆方法: solu(溶解,解决)+ble(表形容词)→ 可以溶解的, 可以解决的
实例: Vitamin C is water soluble.

132. use 使用

(1). abuse 滥用,恶言

记忆方法: ab(不)+use(使用)→不好好使用→滥用→滥用言语即恶言
实例: Many children suffer racial abuse at school.

(2). peruse 研读

记忆方法: per(彻底)+use(使用)→用彻底→研读
实例: We perused the company's financial statements for the past five years.

(3). usurp 篡夺; 侵占

记忆方法: us(=use 用)+urp(=Up)→use up→用尽→侵占
实例: The vice - president is trying to usurp the president's authority.


(70). anthem 赞美诗,圣歌

记忆方法: an(to)+the(the one神)+m→赞美诗
实例: National Anthem 国歌

(71). anthology 诗集

记忆方法: antho(=flower花)+logy(collection)→ a collection of verses about flowers→诗集
实例: an anthology of American literature

(72). anthropology 人类学

记忆方法: anthrop(人类,和antho一起记,o是花,而rop是人)+logy(学说)→人类学
实例: He received a doctorate in anthropology in 1976, also from American University.

(73). antic 傻里傻气的,古怪的

记忆方法: anti(反抗)+c→不用于常人的
实例: I call him an antic old man.

(74). aperture 缝隙,相机光圈

记忆方法: apert(来源于拉丁语,打开的opened)→缝隙
近义词: crack, crevice, cleft
实例: The telescope has an aperture of 2.4 metres.

(75). pert 活泼的,敢说的,诱人的

记忆方法: pert来源于apert(open)→敢说的,多用于形容女子活泼,泼辣
实例: 1. He was a pert little blonde of about six years. 2. But there is more to him than his pert bottom and hairy chest.

(76). aphorism 格言

记忆方法: a(to)+phor(带来bring)+ism(行为,现象)→带来(思想)→格言
近义词: dictum, adage, proverb
实例: He developed an aphorism, New York is over-eager to get rich.

(77). apocalypse 天启,世界末日

记忆方法: apo(远离→未来)+calypse(发音类似collapse)→未来的灾难→天启,世界末日
实例: Perhaps the most conspicuous flaw in reports of ecological apocalypse is lack of information.

(78). apparition 幽灵

记忆方法: 由appear衍生而来,appar=appear→幽灵
近义词: phantom, ghost, fantasm
实例: He saw the apparition of his dead wife.

(79). appellate 上诉的

记忆方法: 由appeal(上诉)衍生而来,appell=appeal上诉的
近义词: appellor(上诉人)
实例: appellate court 可上诉的法院→高等法院

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