GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Twenty – Four

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109.简单词 sit/side坐下/旁边
词根:-sit-(变形: sid, sad, sed) 1. 坐; 2. 旁边

(9) supersede代替
实例:Hand tools are relics of the past that have now been superseded by the machine.

(10) dissident意见不合的人
实例:dissident shareholders, dissident party

(11) insidious 潜在的, 阴险的
实例:The insidious effect of the operational change cannot be neglected.

(12)sedulous 坚持的;勤奋的
近义词: assiduous, diligent
实例:She is as gifted as sedulous.

(13) residue残余, 残渣; 残余物
记忆方法:re(回)+sid(坐)+ue→坐回去的→还剩下的→ 残余
衍生: residual
实例:Always using the same shampoo means that a residue can build up on the hair.

(14) sedentary坐着的;(指工作等)案头的;(指人)不爱活动的
记忆方法:sed(坐)+ ent+ ary(形容词后缀)→ 坐着的
实例:Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease.

110. 简单词sort分类
词根: -sort-分类

(1) assort 分类,和…合拍(匹配),和…是一类
实例:He cannot assort with people in his own age.

(2) consort 和…一类(鬼混), 配偶
衍生: consortium 联盟,财团
实例:He regularly consorted with known drug-dealers.

111. 简单词consume消费

(1) assume假定
记忆方法:as(加强)+sume(拿起)→拿起→假定 (联想conjecture)
实例:“It’s also first steps, over time, toward governments trusting Airbnb to assume more responsibility for regulating their hosts.”(New York Times, May 1, 2017)

(2) resume重新开始
实例:He hopes to clear his name and resume his career.

(3) presume 假定
注意:Assume and presume both mean to believe something before it happens, but when you assume you're not really sure. If someone bangs on your door in the middle of the night, you might assume it's your crazy neighbor. If your neighbor knocks on your door every night at 6:30, at 6:29 you can presume she's coming over in a minute.
实例:If you are presumed to be the fastest runner, don't get too cocky — that word implies that you haven't actually raced yet.

(4) sumptuous豪华的
实例:She produces elegant wedding gowns in a variety of sumptuous fabrics.

(5) consuming强烈的,令人沉迷的
记忆方法: consume是消费,因为喜欢强烈,沉迷才一直消费
实例:He has developed a consuming passion for chess.

(6) unassuming低调的;谦逊的;不招摇的
记忆方法:un(不,无,非,没有)+ as(加强动作)+sum(=sume 拿,取)+ing(现在分词表形容词)→ 不拿架子的→ 谦逊的, 低调的
近义词: genuine, meek, sincere, modest, unpretentious, humble
实例:He's a man of few words, very polite and unassuming.

112. 简单词sure确定
词根: -sur-确定
(1) assure 保证

实例:I assure you it’s temporary. I assure you it’s transitory. The American people will not sustain this attitude,” he said. (The Guardian, May 21, 2017)

(2) ensure 保证
注意:assure / ensure / insure
Although these three often show up at the same party, giving hugs, they’re not the same, thank you very much. To assure is to tell someone everything’s ok, to ensure is to make certain, and to insure is to protect financially. Have it straight now? Are you sure?
实例:The first minister will say Wales needs two Labour governments to ensure the economy works "for everyone". (BBC, May 21, 2017)

113.简单词tone 声调
词根:-ton-(变形: ton, tound, tun) 声调→高声调"当~~"→吃惊

(1) astonish 使吃惊
实例:Things that might astonish you: the discovery of life on another planet, a death-defying performance, and the number of dinosaurs a six-year old child can name.

(2) astound使吃惊
实例:To astonish is to amaze and astound.

(3) stun击昏
衍生: stunning 极好的, 类似于awesome
实例:Many cinema-goers were stunned by the film's violent and tragic end.


(20) dilettante (贬义)
记忆方法:dilet=delight(高兴)+tante→和amateur类似, 爱/高兴→业余爱好,然而爱程度高些,因此amateur中性而dilettante为贬义
近义词: amateur
实例:He is a master of that area even if he is a dilettante.

(21) dexterity灵巧
实例:The test assessed his manual dexterity, math skills, and sociability, and concluded that he should become a database developer, a podiatrist, or a nurse. (New Yorker, May 19, 2017)

(22) ameliorate改善
实例:To ameliorate is to step in and make a bad situation better.

(23) anecdote奇闻,轶事
实例:The book was released earlier this month and features some 250 posts from the site, including emotional personal anecdotes.

(24) anguish痛苦
实例:Women who worked with him paid it in humiliation and psychological anguish.

(25) languid 懒散的,无精打采的
记忆方法:发音记忆:"langui"-懒鬼, -langu-就是懒的词根
实例:Time spent at Jumby Bay can be as energetic or as languid as you wish.

(26) sanguine 有血色的,乐观的
记忆方法:sangui=blood(发音记忆"山鬼"→love blood)→有血色的,乐观的
实例:If you're sanguine about a situation, that means you're optimistic that everything's going to work out fine.

(27) plummet铅锤, 突然落下
实例:In 2016, fuel prices on the open market plummeted even more, enabling the Pentagon to build an even bigger surplus in the working-capital fund. (Washington Post, May 20, 2017)

(28) prudence拘谨 (更多是性方面的)
衍生: prudery , prudish
近义词: cautiousness, rigor 反义词:imprudence, 参见impertinence
实例:White House officials may once again understand that gravity, prudence, probity and diplomacy are valuable and essential qualities in a president.(The Guardian, May 20, 2017)

(29) arboreal树木的
记忆方法:记忆:arbor树木,来源于arg (参见argriculture)→arbor(树木长在土地上)
实例:Arboreal animals live in trees.

(30) aristocrat 贵族
记忆方法:记忆: aris=arise + to→arise to 贵族
实例:An aristocrat is someone from the ruling class, usually those with nobility, money, or both.

The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!