GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day seventeen

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75. 简单词 alter 改变
词根: -alt- 其他(other) (alter→改变即变为其他)

(1) alternative 别的选择

记忆方法: alter(other)+native→其他的选项
实例: They had a right to seek alternative employment.

(2) alternate 交替(v), 交替的(adj)

记忆方法: alter(other)+nate→其他的选项交替
实例: Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states.

(3) alternator 交流发电机

记忆方法: alternat(=alternate交替)+or (表名词, 物体)→交流发电机
实例: An alternator is a device, used especially in a car, that creates an electrical current that changes direction as it flows.

(4) altruism 利他主义

记忆方法: alt(other)+ruism(主义)→为他人的主义→利他主义
实例: The strength of altruism lies in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.

(5) altercate 争吵

记忆方法: alter(改变)+cate→(观点)改来改去→争吵
近义词: quarrel, dispute, scrap, argufy
实例: altercate with sb. about sth.

(6) alteration n.变化,改变; 变更

记忆方法: alter(改变)+ation(表名词)→ 改变,变化
实例: An indefinite alteration had come over his whole person and manner.

76.简单词 mass 大量
词根:-mass- 大量

(1) amass 收集,聚集

记忆方法: a(=to)+mass(大量)→收集,聚集
实例: How had he amassed his fortune?

(2) massacre 大屠杀

记忆方法: mass(大量)+acre→被大量杀死
实例: Macron is visiting the site of a Nazi massacre later Friday.

(3) massive adj.巨大的;庞大的

记忆方法: mass(大量, 大多,块)+ive(表形容词)→ 大量的, 大多的, 大块的
实例: There was evidence of massive fraud.

77.简单词 dexterity (见难记词表) 灵巧

(1) dexterous 敏捷的

记忆方法: dextr(=dexter灵巧的)+ous(形容词)→两手都能用的,灵巧的
实例: As people grow older they generally become less dexterous.

(2) ambidextrous 两手都能用的,灵巧的, 两面派的

记忆方法: ambi(两)+dextrous(灵巧的)→两手都能用的,灵巧的
实例: Someone who is ambidextrous can use both their right hand and their left hand equally skilfully.

78.简单词 ambidextrous 两手都能用的
词根:-ambi-(变形:ambi, amphi)两

(1) ambiguous 模棱两可的

记忆方法: ambi(两)+gu=guess+ous→两面都猜→不清不楚,模棱两可
近义词: equivocal
实例: This agreement is very ambiguous and open to various interpretations.

(2) ambivalent 矛盾的, 拿不定主意的

记忆方法: ambi(两)+val(价值=value)+ent→两种价值中拿不定主意
实例: This agreement is very ambiguous and open to various interpretations.

(3) amphibian 两栖动物

记忆方法: amphi(两)+bi(生物)+an→两栖动物
实例: An amphibian is a cold-blooded vertebrate animal that is born in water and breathes with gills.

79.简单词 animal 动物
词根:-anim- 生命

(1) animate 使有生气(vt),活泼的(adj)

记忆方法: anim(生命)+ate→使有生命
实例: 1. all aspects of the material world, animate and inanimate
2. There was precious little about the cricket to animate the crowd.

(2) animation 动画

记忆方法: anim(生命)+ation→制作出来的生命→动画
实例: They put their own money in to hiring an animation company for a pilot episode, which is already online.

(3) inanimate 无生命的

记忆方法: in(无)+animate(有生命的)→无生命的
实例: There’s nothing wrong with using the possessive whose for inanimate objects.

(4) unanimous 意见一致的

记忆方法: un(=uni一)+animous(生命)→同一生命的→意见一致的
实例: Political leaders are not unanimous in the belief that, in the name of solidarity, they must endorse Macron. (New Yorker Times, May 1, 2017)

(5) animosity 憎恨

记忆方法: (生命,精神)+osity(多的状态, 参看curiosity)→太多的生命→物极必反→憎恨
近义词: hatred, hostility, enmity
实例: There's a long history of animosity between the two nations.

(6) magnanimous 心胸博大的

记忆方法: magn(巨大)+anim(生命)+ous→大的生命的→心胸博大
实例: You were right, and we were wrong,' he said magnanimously.

(7) longanimous 忍耐的

记忆方法: long(长)+animous(生命的)→持续的生命一定是有忍耐力的→忍耐的
近义词: resilient, forbearing
实例: So that there may be fitly said to be a longanimity, which is commonly also ascribed to God as a magnanimity. (The advancement of learning)

(8) pusillanimous 胆怯的

实例: The authorities have been too pusillanimous in merely condemning the violence.

80. 简单词 amateur (见难记词表) 业余爱好者
词根:-am- 来源于amour→爱

(1) amiable 友善的

近义词: affable, friendly, sociable, approachable
实例: She had been surprised at how amiable and polite he had seemed.

(2) amity 友好,和睦

实例: He wished to live in amity with his neighbor.

(3) enmity 敌意

近义词: hatred, hostility, animosity
实例: There is an historical enmity between the two countries.

81.简单词 normal 正常的
词根:-norm-(变形: norm, nom) 规则, 名称

(1) abnormal 不正常的

近义词: aberrant, erratic, irregular, anomalous
实例: Or it may just be a fluke, the result of abnormal development in the womb. (Washington Times, May 2, 2017)

(2) anomalous 不正常的

近义词: abnormal, aberrant, erratic, irregular
衍生: anomaly
实例: For years this anomalous behaviour has baffled scientists.

(3) autonomous 自制的

实例: This is a highly decentralized company, with each of its subsidiaries operating autonomously.

(4) nominate 提名

记忆方法:nomin(=nom名字)+ate(表动词)→ 提名
实例: She's nominated for solo shows in Bristol and Oxford.

(5) ignominious 不光彩的,耻辱的

近义词: disgraceful, dishonorable, filthy
实例: ignominious defeat/failure


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