GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Fifty – Four

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266 . ability 能力
词根: abili- 能力
2 . habilitate 使具有能力,取得资格提供周转资金,予以穿着,
记忆方法: h(当做have 有)+ abili(能力)+tate(表动词)→有能力→取得资格,提供周转资金
实例: He has been habilitated enough powers to oppose you.

3 . rehabilitate 使康复; 使复原,修复; 使恢复原状; 使恢复名誉
记忆方法: re(重新)+habilitate(使具有能力)→使重新具有能力
衍生:rehabilitation复原; 反义词: debilitate
实例: 1.We will plan to rehabilitate the run - down neighborhood. 2. Considerable efforts have been made to rehabilitate patients who have suffered in this way.

267 . decimal 小数的
词根: -deci- 十
1 . decimate 十中取一→衍生为杀害,毁灭大部分
记忆方法: deci(十)+mate→十中取一
实例: The pollution could decimate the river's thriving population of kingfishers.

268 . decorate 装饰
词根: deco 装饰
1 . decorous 有礼貌的
记忆方法: decor(装饰)+ous(表形容词)→人的教养是一种装饰
近义词: courteous, refined, civilized
实例: They go for decorous walks every day in parks with their nanny.

269 . cry 哭
词根: cry 哭喊
1 . decry 责难
记忆方法: de(向下)+cry(哭喊)→责难
实例: He is impatient with those who decry the scheme.

270 . reflect 反射,反应
词根: -flect- 弯曲(bend)
1 . reflective 深思熟虑的,反射的
记忆方法: re(不断)+flect(反思)+ive(表形容词)→不断反思的→深思熟虑
实例: "1. He is a quiet, reflective man.
2. The German government's support of the US is not entirely reflective of German public opinion."

2 . deflect 使偏离,转移引开(注意力)
记忆方法: de(向下)+flect(弯曲)→转移
实例: He changed his name to deflect accusations of nepotism.

3 . inflect (语言)的变化使…略作改變;顯示略微變化
记忆方法: in(里,内)+flect弯曲)→内部弯曲→变化
实例: 1. If a word inflects, its ending or form changes in order to show its grammatical function. 2.The actors inflect their performances with sincere emotion.

4 . genuflect vi.屈膝(尤指宗教礼节中)
记忆方法: genu(膝盖)+flect(弯曲)→膝盖弯曲→屈膝
实例: They refrained from genuflecting to the laws of political economy.

271 . mean v. 意思是,adj.刻薄的,n.平均数,方式,方法
词根: mean 刻薄,方法
1 . demean 贬损
记忆方法: de(向下)+mean(刻薄的)→使变坏,变刻薄→贬损
实例: I wasn't going to demean myself by acting like a suspicious wife.

2 . demeanor 行为,举止
记忆方法: 这要是利用mean方式方法的意思,注意和demean区分
衍生: misdemeanor
实例: His good demeanor spoke well for him when he went to apply for the job.

272 . promise 承诺
词根: -mise- 送,派(send, cast) (promise=pro(提前)+mise(send)→做事前提前发出的→承诺)
1 . demise 死亡
记忆方法: de(向下)+mise(送)→送到地狱→死亡
实例: the demise of the reform movement

2 . surmise 推测
记忆方法: sur(下面)+mise(送)→在(evidence)下面送出意见→推测
实例: There's so little to go on, we can only surmise what happened.

273 . mollify (参见难记词表) 安抚
词根: -moll- 柔软(soft)
1 . demolish 毁坏
记忆方法: de(除去)+mol(柔软)+ish→把柔软部分去掉→摧毁
实例: A storm moved directly over the island, demolishing buildings and flooding streets.

2 . emollient 柔软的,润肤剂
记忆方法: e(出)+moll(柔软)+ient→柔软的
实例: Use an emollient for dry skin.

3 . mollusc 软体动物
记忆方法: moll(柔软)+usc→软体动物
实例: Oysters are molluscs, as are snails and cuttlefish.

274 . demonstrate 证明,演示
词根: demonstrat 证明
1 . demonstrative 感情外露的
记忆方法: tive/sive作为后缀放在动词后面常用来表示感情
实例: We came from the English tradition of not being demonstrative.

275 . pronounce 发音
词根: -nounce- 发音(speak)
1 . announce 通告
记忆方法: an(一直)+nounce(speak)→一直说→通告
实例: It gives us great pleasure to announce the engagement of our daughter Maria.

2 . denounce 公然批评
记忆方法: de(向下)+nounce(speak)→公然批评
实例: If you denounce a person or an action, you criticize them severely and publicly because you feel strongly that they are wrong or evil.

3 . denunciate =denounce
记忆方法: de(向下)+nunc(speak)+iate(表动词)→公然批评
实例: I denunciate this senseless violence.


321 . dawdle 混(时间),游手好闲
记忆方法: 发音记忆: "躲到"→躲起来不做事
He got fed up as bank staff dawdled over cashing him a cheque.

322 . doodle 乱写,乱画
记忆方法: 联想记忆: do+noodle→画出像面条一样的画作→乱画
He looked across at her, doodling on his notebook.

323 . dazzle 使眩晕→衍生为使惊叹
记忆方法: 常见词
1. I was dazzled by the sunlight. 2.I was dazzled by his charm and good looks.

324 . debauch 使堕落,使道德败坏
记忆方法: 联想记忆: de(向下)+bauch=bawdy(下流的,参见难记词表)→使堕落
Printing money would worsen inflation, debauch the currency and bring a crisis.

325 . debonair 风流倜傥的,男性愉快而有自信的
记忆方法: 联想记忆: de(强调)+bon(法语好)+air(空气)→散发出好空气的→风流倜傥的
He was a handsome, debonair, death-defying racing-driver.

326 . debris 碎片,残骸
记忆方法: 常见词
Debris from the aircraft was scattered over a large area.

327 . decipher 破译
记忆方法: de(除去)+cipher(密码)→破译
Can you decipher the writing on this envelope?

328 . decoy 诱饵
记忆方法: 联想记忆: de(强调)+coy=cage→诱饵
He was booked on a flight leaving that day, but that was just a decoy.

329 . foliage 叶子的总称
记忆方法: 联想记忆: foli=forest leaves
The dense foliage overhead almost blocked out the sun.

330 . deify 把…奉为神明
记忆方法: dei(神明)+fy→神明化
Some people deify power.

The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!