GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Twenty

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91. 简单词push推
词根: -push-(变形: peal, pel, pulse)推

(5) propel 推进
衍生:衍生: propulsion
实例:Those dislocations helped propel Mr. Trump to power. (New York Times, Apr 11, 2017)

(6) compel 强迫
近义词:force, oblige, coerce
实例:I felt morally compelled to help.

(7) compelling 强迫的,吸引人的, 令人信服的
记忆方法:compel(强迫)+ing→强迫的→被迫相信,被迫注意→令人信服, 吸引人
实例:1. The factual evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to his death.
2. You know your argument for backpacking across Europe is compelling when your parents not only let you go but also pay for all your expenses.

(8) dispel 去除
实例:The President is attempting to dispel the notion that he has neglected the economy.

(9) impel 推动,促成
实例:His competence, knowledge, and courage act as whole to impel him to take more risks.

(10) pulse脉搏,脉冲
实例:They made frequent checks on his respiration, pulse and blood.

(11) impulse冲动
实例:You should think rationally and avoid impulsive decisions.

(12) repulse击退,拒绝
衍生: repulsive 拒绝的, 反感的
实例:1. The armed forces were prepared to repulse any attacks.
2. She found the idea deeply repulsive.

(13) compulsory 必须做的,强制的
注意:和compelling 另外两个意思区分
实例:Many young men are trying to get away from compulsory military conscription.

(14) compulsive 强制的,强迫的
实例:Emir is a friendly, hard-driving guide with an almost compulsive passion for helping people catch fish. (New York Times, Apr 5, 2017)

92. 简单词 peace和平
词根:-peace-(变形:peace, pease, paci)和平

(1) appease 安抚
实例:He tried to appease the crying child by giving him candy.

(2) pacify 安抚
近义词:alleviate, soothe, assuage, allay
实例:She shrieked again, refusing to be pacified.

93. 简单词comprehend理解
词根:-prehend-(变形: prent) 抓住hold

(1) apprehend 逮捕→担心→理解
实例:1. Police say the 44-year-old suspect drove off, but was apprehended on East Allegheny Avenue. 2. You also apprehend a concept when you understand it, grasping or capturing its meaning.

(2) comprehensible 可理解的
记忆方法: compresend+ible→可以理解的
实例:an idea comprehensible to the average mind

(3) comprehensive 综合的
实例:If you get the comprehensive treatment at a spa, it might include massage, manicure and a facial.

(4) apprehensive 忧虑的,理解的
记忆方法:apprehens (=apprehend担心,理解)+ ive(表形容词)→ 担心的,理解的
实例:People are still apprehensive about the risks of the project.

(5) prehensile 能抓住的,有洞察力的
记忆方法:prehens(抓)+ile(容易)→ 能够抓住的,衍生为有洞察力的
实例:1. the prehensile tail of a monkey 2. Poets are those strangely prehensile men.

(6) reprehend <正>责备
记忆方法:re(不好的)+ prehend(抓住)→抓住缺点→指责
衍生: reprehensible
实例:His conduct deserves to be reprehended.

(7) apprentice n.学徒,徒弟vt.使…做学徒
记忆方法:ap(加强)+prent(=prehend 抓住)+ice→ 通过学习抓住技术的人→ 学徒
实例:I started off as an apprentice and worked my way up.

94. 简单词prove 证明
词根:-prove-(变形: prob) 验证test

(1) approval 批准
记忆方法: ap(一直)+prov(验证)+al→一直得到验证→批准
实例:It's probably not a good idea to mail the invitations for your beach party until you've gotten official approval for the enormous bonfire you're planning to light.

(2) disprove 反驳
实例:The main fear in the community is that the MMR triggers autism - a link that continues to be disproved by large, reputable medical studies. (Washington Times, May 1, 2017)

(3) probe探测
实例: If you go into business with someone, you might probe her finances to make sure that she has a good track record.

(4) probable很可能的
实例:“Is it possible that Tesla will produce 500,000 cars in the next two or three years? Yes. Is it probable? No.”

(5) probate遗嘱;检验
实例:Probate cases can go on for two years or more.

(6) probative 检验的
实例:Evidence should only be excluded if its probative value was outweighed by its prejudicial effect.

(7) approbate 通过许可
记忆方法:ap(一直)+prob(验证)→一直得到验证→通过,许可(prob=prov, approbate 类似approve)
衍生: approbation
实例:approbate an act

(8) opprobrium责难,责骂
实例:His political opinions have attracted the opprobrium of the Left.

(9) reprobate 道德败坏的人,恶棍
记忆方法:re(反, 相反)+ prob(验证)+ ate(表名词, 人)→ 经不起验证的人→道德败坏的人
衍生: reprobation n. 斥责
实例:1. He has always been a bit of a reprobate. 2. Nearly everyone had something to say in reprobation of the views suggested by Owen.

(10) probity 正直,诚实
记忆方法:prob(验证→正直)+ ity(表名词)→ 正直, 诚实
实例:Probity and purity will command respect everywhere.

The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!