GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Forty

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185 bomb 炸弹 bomb 炸弹
词根:bomb 炸弹

(1).bombast 夸大的言辞

记忆方法: bomb(炸弹)+bast(纤维)→bombast也有一个意思是松软织物
实例: There was no bombast or conceit in his speech.

(2).bombard 炮击,不断的轰炸

实例:I had been in action, bombarding the Normandy coast.

186 bull 公牛
词根:-bul- 牛 bul,buc,bu

(1).bucolic 乡村的

实例:Bucolic, conservative stuff, but nice and solid. (来自廊桥遗梦)

(2).bully 欺凌

实例:Just because she was the junior on the team, it didn't mean that he could constantly bully her.

(3).bugle 军号

实例:The bugle sounded the charge.

(4).buffalo 水牛

实例:They can also catch kinds of prey that they could not catch by themselves, such as buffalo.

(5).ebullient 热情奔放的

实例:He was ebullient over the reception of his novel.

187 camera 照相机
词根:-camera- 室

(1).bicameral 医学上两室的,政治学上两院制的

实例:The US Congress is a bicameral legislature.

188 blank 空白的

(1).blanch 洗白,脸色变得煞白,衍生为退缩

实例:1. She felt herself blanch at the unpleasant memories. 2. We blanch almonds by soaking off their skins in boiling water. 3. There are places you can take physically handicapped children where staff don't blanch at the sight of a wheelchair.

(2).blandish 奉承

实例:Don't try to blandish me to help you.

189 phenomenon 现象 -phen- 出现
词根:-phen- 出现

(1).blasphemy 亵渎神明

实例:His writings were branded as obscene and a blasphemy against God.

190 pure 纯净的 -pur-

(1).expurgate 删除不恰当的部分

实例:He heavily expurgated the work in its second edition.

(2).purebred adj.纯血统的;纯种的

实例:A pure-bred animal is one whose parents and ancestors all belong to the same breed.

(3).puritan n.道德(或宗教)上极拘谨的人;禁欲者

记忆方法:purit(纯洁)+an(表名词, 人)→ 纯洁的人→道德或宗教极其拘谨的人
实例:Peter was someone who certainly had a puritan streak in him.

191 brass 黄铜 bras 黄铜 braz
词根:bras 黄铜 braz

(1).brazen 黄铜制的,厚脸皮的

记忆方法:braz(黄铜)+en(表形容词)→黄铜制的 反义词: diffident
实例:He was brazenly running a $400,000-a-month drug operation from the prison.

192 brow 眉毛

(1).browbeat 威胁

实例:They browbeat him into signing the document.

193 brutal 残暴的, 野蛮的 -brut- 野蛮,残暴
词根:-brut- 野蛮,残暴

(1).brusque 粗鲁的

实例:They received a characteristically brusque reply from him.

(2).brute 畜生,残暴的人

实例:The burly brute swaggered forward, towering over me, and shouted.

194 cascade 瀑布 -cad- 落下 cad, cid
词根:-cad- 落下 cad, cid

(1).cadence 韵律

实例:He is not attempting necessarily to reproduce the cadence of speech.

(2).decadent 颓废的

实例:Don't let decadent ideas eat into yourselves.


180.buxom 丰满的

记忆方法:发音记忆: "不可松"→丰满的 近义词: plump
实例:She was buxom, and the rust-red pullover she wore was not designed to minimize the fact.

181.caricature 讽刺画

记忆方法:联想记忆: car(车子)+i(我)+cat(猫)→我抱着猫坐在车子上→一幅讽刺画
实例:The poster showed a caricature of Hitler with a devil's horns and tail.

182.cavalier 骑士,漫不经心的

记忆方法:联想记忆: caviar(鱼子酱),骑士(cavalier)才吃得起
实例:He takes a cavalier attitude to the concept of fact checking.

183.chivalrous 骑士的,对女性尊重的

记忆方法:联想记忆: 一种苏格兰威士忌叫做芝华士(Chivas)
实例:Her knight would be gentle, kind and chivalrous.

184.chagrin 懊恼

记忆方法:联想记忆:cha=差+grin(裂开嘴笑)→没有让人笑→懊恼 近义词: disappointment
实例:One of the first things we did when we moved in, to the chagrin of the architect, was to replace the leaded windows.

185.charisma 非凡的领导力

记忆方法:联想记忆: cha=china, ris=rise, ma=mao中国升起毛泽东→领袖气质
实例:Her charisma and warmth made her the object of many a student crush, and Margarett was no exception.

186.clumsy 笨拙的

实例:A clumsy waiter spilled wine all over her new skirt.

187.cloying 甜得发腻的

记忆方法:联想记忆: clo=close+oy=joy→太靠近的joy→甜得发腻
实例:The film is too cloyingly sentimental.

188.cluster 丛,族,束

记忆方法:常见词 衍生: clustered 杂乱的
实例:a cluster of low farm buildings

189.colossus 巨像,伟人

记忆方法:联想记忆: col(共同)+loss(失去)→大家一起失去的(人)→伟人 近义词: gigantic, titanic, mammoth, tremendous, enormous
实例:Mozart is a colossus among composers.

The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!