207 clan 宗族
词根:-clan- 宗族
(1).clandestine 私下的,神秘的
实例:You will never know the clandestine deal behind the table.
208 1. exercise,训练; 2. urge,催促;
词根:"1. -exer-; 2. -urg-;" 压,力量
变形:exer,erc, urg, erg
(1).coerce 强制,压迫
实例:The rebels coerced the villagers into hiding them from the army.
(2).allergy 过敏
实例: I have an allergy to cats.
209 labor 劳动
词根: -labor- 劳动
(1).collaborative 协作的
实例:In other collaborative activities individuals take turns in sitting vigilantly alert while others feed, thereby functioning as watchdogs or guards.
(2).laborious 费力的
实例:Keeping the garden tidy all year round can be a laborious task.
(3).elaborate 精细的
实例:pure silks embroidered with elaborate patterns
(4).labyrinth 迷宫,复杂的事物
实例:1.a labyrinth of underground tunnels;
2.Decisions are frequently delayed in the labyrinth of Whitehall committees.
210 collapse 倒塌
词根: -laps- 滑走(slip)
(1).lapsed 流逝的,过时的(尤指信仰)
实例:a lapsed Catholic
(2).elapse 光阴流逝
实例:Several months elapsed before his case was brought to trial.
(3).relapse 复发,恶化,再度堕落
实例:It is by no means clear that the financial markets will not relapse into panic.
211 commerce 商业
词根: -merc- 商业,交易
(1).mercenary 雇佣兵的,唯利是图的
实例:Virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man.
(2).mercury 水银,水星,罗马主管商业的神
实例:Lighting is by two Floraset mercury vapour lamps which were originally set on a timer to give 11 hours of light.
(3).mercurial 善变的,反复无常的;含有水银的
记忆方法:mercur(水银, 商业)+ial(表形容词)→含有水银/商业本来就是善变的 近义词: erratic, capricious, abnormal, irregular
实例:Her mercurial temperament made her difficult to live with.
212 placid 平静的
词根: -plac- 平静
(1).complacent 自满的,得意的
记忆方法:com(全部)+plac(平静)+ent→全部平静→无改善的必要→自满的 衍生: complacency
实例: We must not become complacent the moment we have some success.
(2).placate 抚慰,使平静
实例:The concessions did little to placate the students.
(3).implacable 难以安抚的
实例:The move has won the implacable opposition of many economists.
(4).placebo 安慰剂
实例:A placebo, superficial and cosy, to lull the world into no longer questioning.
213 punctuation 标点
词根: -punct- 点,针
变形:punct, pung
(1).punctuate 加标点,强调;打断
实例:The silence was occasionally punctuated by laughter.
(2).punctual 准时的
实例:She’s always very punctual for appointments.
(3).puncture 刺穿
实例:My bicycle had a puncture and needed patching up.
220 caulk 阻塞(防止漏水)
记忆方法:联想记忆: caulk=calc(石头)→用石头阻塞防止漏水
实例:Shipbuilders caulk wooden boats with oakum and tar.
221 caustic 腐蚀的,尖刻的
记忆方法:联想发音记忆: caus=cause(导致)+tic(发音类似啼哭)→导致啼哭→尖刻的,腐蚀的 近义词: abrasive, acrimonious
实例:1. Remember that this is caustic; use gloves or a spoon.
2. His abrasive wit and caustic comments were an interviewer's nightmare.
222 cavil 挑毛病,吹毛求疵
记忆方法:联想记忆: cav=cavier(鱼子酱)+il(生病)→对鱼子酱这种美味找毛病→吹毛求疵
实例:I don't think this is the time to cavil at the wording of the report.
223 celestial 天上的,天体的
实例:The second celestial apparition was a faint, pearly cone of light slanting up the eastern sky.
224 celibacy 独身生活,独身主义
记忆方法:联想记忆: celebrity名人多数是独身(celibracy)
实例: People in some religious orders take a vow of celibacy.
225 cerebrum (复数为cerebra) 大脑
实例:The cerebrum is the thinking part of the brain.
226 chafe 擦痛,擦伤
记忆方法:联想记忆: cha(擦)+fe废→擦废→擦伤
实例:She turned him in the bed so that the sheets wouldn't chafe his skin into sores.
227 chalice 高脚杯
记忆方法:联想记忆: cha(茶)+lice→喝茶用的→杯子, poisoned chalice是一个很有意思的短语 近义词: goblet
实例: If you refer to a job or an opportunity as a poisoned chalice, you mean that it seems to be very attractive but you believe it will lead to failure.
228 chameleon 变色龙
记忆方法:联想记忆: cham=chamber(小房间)+leon=lion→小房间内的狮子→变色龙
实例: The Congressman has a reputation as a political chameleon.
229 chary 小心的,谨慎的 (chary of)
记忆方法:联想记忆: cha(茶)+ry→喝茶多了,提神→小心,谨慎
实例:I am rather chary of making too many idiotic mistakes.