GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Twenty -Seven

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I have never dreamed about success. I worked for it. ---- Esteen Lauder

123. 简单词 devour吞食

(1) Voracious 贪吃的
实例:She's a voracious reader of all kinds of love stories.

(2) herbivorous食草的
实例:"Spiders kill large numbers of herbivorous insects - and by doing so they help to protect the plants from herbivore damage," said Dr Nyffeler. (BBC, Mar 15, 2017)

(3) carnivorous食肉的
实例:The U.S. is still a hugely carnivorous society, helped by generous government subsidies that keep the price of animal-based foods artificially low. (Salon, Oct 17, 2016)

124. 简单词 carnivorous食肉的
词根:-carn-(变形: carnn)肉体的

(1) carnal肉体的,肉欲的
记忆方法:carn(肉体的)+al(表形容词)→ 肉体的
近义词: corporeal
实例:The festival, whose roots lie in a tradition of carnal indulgence before the austere Catholic season of Lent, officially ends next Wednesday. (Returns, Feb 24, 2017)

(2) incarnate具体体现, 现身的, 现形的
实例:Why should God become incarnate as a male?

(3) carnival嘉年华
实例:A carnival is a public festival during which people play music and sometimes dance in the streets
(4) carnage大屠杀
实例:After the horrific carnage unleashed by the terrorist attack in Manchester, England, some of the reactions were inexplicable. (Washington Times, May 24, 2017 )

(5) cannibalistic食人肉的,同类相食的
记忆方法:cannibal(食人肉者,同类相食者)+istic(表形容词) →食人肉的,同类相食的
实例:This is the jargon through which the essentially cannibalistic nature of the gig economy is dressed up as an aesthetic. (The New York, Mar 22, 2017)

(6) carcass人或动物的)尸体,残骸
记忆方法:carc(=carn 肉)+ass(表名词)→尸体,残骸
实例:A cluster of vultures crouched on the carcass of a dead buffalo.

125. 简单词avoid避开
词根:-void- 空(变形:van/wan/vain (来源于want想要,之所以想要正是因为没有-empty), vac(例如vacation), vast/wast (来源于waste浪费→掏空即浪费))

(1)void 空虚的,虚空
记忆方法:void 词根即是空之意
实例: He stared into the dark void where the battle had been fought.

(2) devoid缺乏的
实例:His comment is devoid of logic.

(4) vanish 消失
实例: If the final House bill doesn’t meet those targets, the filibuster protections will vanish unless the House approves a new version that does. (Seattle Times, May 20, 2017)

(5) vanity虚荣
实例: A man's vanity is actually in proportion to his ignorance.

(6) vain徒然的, 虚荣的, 空虚的
实例: A vain attempt or action is one that fails to achieve what was intended.

(7) vainglorious自以为了不起的
记忆方法:vain(空)+glori(光荣)→虚无的光荣→自以为是, 爱慕虚荣的
实例: He is vainglorious, easily manipulated, hyperemotional, mercurial, petty, an “unconstrained, unbridled present hedonist” and a person who seems detached from reality.
(Salon, April 10, 2017)

(8) wan苍白的,没有血色的; 病弱的
实例:Despite his weariness, Brand mustered a wan smile.

(9) wane衰落,月亮亏
衍生: waning 渐亏的
实例:Things that wax and wane grow larger and smaller, like the moon.

(10) devastate毁坏
实例:Then he showed us his scarred arm and told us the story of how his family was devastated in January 2013. (The New York, May 24, 2017)

(11) wastage废料
实例:There was a lot of wastage and many wrong decisions were hastily taken.

(12) Wastrel 败家子
实例:Your brother who spends money as quickly as he gets it, always wearing new clothes and taking friends out for expensive dinners? You might call him a wastrel, meaning he spends his money foolishly.


(51) ashen 灰白的
实例:Your best friend might look ashen when he hears that his favorite baseball team traded its star player.

(52) abdomen腹部
记忆方法:联想记忆: bd(两个大肚子的人)+men
实例:If the doctor asks if your abdomen hurts, the doctor wants to know if you have any pain in your belly area.

记忆方法:联想记忆: a(一个人)+bid(投标)→一个人投标对于拍卖官是痛苦的,必须容忍
近义词: tolerate, endure
实例:I can't abide people who can't make up their minds.

(54) abominate 痛恨
近义词: abhor, detest, hate, dislike, despise, loathe, scorn, resent
实例:For my part, I abominate all honourable respectable toils, trials, and tribulations of every kind whatsoever. (Time, Oct. 18, 2016)

(55) abut 与…连接
实例:His garden abuts on mine.

(56) abyss深渊
记忆方法:发音记忆: "我必死"→深渊
衍生: abysmal
实例:Making a momentous life decision with great uncertainty, like enrolling in clown college, might feel like jumping into the abyss.

(57) accost搭讪, 招呼
实例:A man had accosted me in the street.

(58) adage格言
实例:The coins are a tribute to Franklin’s adage, “a penny saved, is a penny earned.” (Washington Times, May 23, 2017)

(59) adamant坚定的
记忆方法:联想记忆: adam(亚当)+ant(蚂蚁)→两者都很坚定
实例:If you stubbornly refuse to change your mind about something, you are adamant about it.

(60) fray/flay磨损→吵架/剥皮
实例:1. Fray is all about friction––a frayed rope has been rubbed so much its fibers are wearing away. 2. In preparation for the project he executed many drawings of male musculature, some so detailed that they can only have been based on flayed bodies. (Nature, Apr 23, 2012)

The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!