GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Twenty – Eight

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125. 简单词 avoid

10. vacant 空白的

记忆方法: vac(空)+ant→空白的
实例: The backyard where detectives are searching is at a vacant house in the 8200 block of Northeast 145th Street.

11. vacuum 真空

记忆方法: vacu(空)+um(表名词)→空
实例: The trial carries the risk of leaving a leadership vacuum at the helm of the company during a crucial moment.

12. evacuate 疏散

记忆方法: e(出)+vac(空)+uate→空出→疏散
实例: With more rain expected Monday, rescuers were racing to evacuate people from the most vulnerable areas.

13. vacuity 空虚

记忆方法: vacu(空)+ity(表名词,状态)→空虚
实例: She thought it disconcerted him by rendering evident even to himself the vacuity of his mind.

14. vacate 空出

记忆方法: vac(空)+ate(表动词)→空出
实例: vacate a flat/job

15. evanescent 短暂的,迅速消失的

记忆方法: e(出)+van(空)+scent(渐渐的)→渐渐空出来的→短暂的 近义词: ephemeral
实例: The evanescent post - war economic boom was quickly followed by a deep recession.

126. 简单词 vow 誓言

1. avow 公开宣布

记忆方法: a(=to)+vow(誓言)→去发布誓言 近义词: declare
实例: a public statement avowing neutrality

2. devout 虔诚的

记忆方法: de(强调)+vout=vow(发誓)→虔诚的
实例: She was a devout Christian.

3. vouchsafe vt.给予,赐予; 允诺

记忆方法: vouch(誓言,保证=vow)+ safe(安全)→ 担保安全→ 给予, 赐予, 允诺
实例: As we approached the summit of the mountain we were vouchsafed a rare vision.

127. 简单词 awful 可怕的,糟糕的 -awe- 敬畏

1. awesome 可怕的(口语:极好的,参考stunning)

记忆方法: awe(敬畏)+some(…的)→可怕的
实例: Depending on who you ask, this is either awesome or cringe worthy.

128. 简单词 injure 伤害

1. jural 法律的

记忆方法: jur(法律)+al(表形容词)→法律的 近义词: juristic
实例: Each State Legislature is a little political academy for the advancement of jural science and art.

2. jury 陪审团

记忆方法: jur(法律)+y(表名词,…人)→法律相关的人 衍生: juror 陪审团员
实例: If you get summoned for jury duty and get picked as one of the 12 members of the jury, you’ll help decide if someone guilty or not.

3. perjury 伪证

记忆方法: per(全→物极必反→假,坏)+jury(法律)→伪证
实例: This witness has committed perjury and no reliance can be placed on her evidence.

4. abjure 发誓戒绝

记忆方法: ab(离开)+jure(发誓)→发誓离开→发誓戒绝
实例: The conqueror tried to make the natives abjure their religion.

5. conjure 变魔术

记忆方法: con(一起)+jure(发誓)→祈祷,衍生为变魔术
实例: conjure a career from thin air (白手起家)

6. jurisprudence 法学

记忆方法: juris(法律)+prudence(谨慎)→法学
实例: Jurisprudence is the study of law and the principles on which laws are based.

129. negative 否定的 -neg- 否定

1. negate 取消,否定

记忆方法: neg(否定)+ate→取消,否定
实例: Our actions often negate our principles.

2. negligible 可以忽略的

记忆方法: neg(否定)+lig(选择)+ible(能)→能不用选择的→可被忽略的
实例: When something is meaningless or insignificant because it is so little, it's negligible.

3. negligent 疏忽的

记忆方法: neg(否定)+lig(选择)+ent→没有选择的→疏忽的
实例: The jury determined that the airline was negligent in training and supervising the crew.

4. abnegation 放弃(主要是信仰,教条)→衍生为自我克制

记忆方法: ab(to一直)+negation(取消)→取消,放弃
实例: "1. Men with that capacity for self - abnegation do not reach a Presidency.
2. They discussed the abnegation of God."

61.aftermath (不幸事件的)余波

记忆方法: 联想记忆: after(在之后)+math(数学)→数学考试之后→不幸事件的余波
实例: The aftermath of a car crash might include a broken fender, a sprained rib, and a lecture from a police officer.

62.gape 目瞪口呆的看, 张开

记忆方法: 联想grape(葡萄)→眼睛张开得很大,像葡萄一样
实例: What are all these people gaping at?

63.ailment 疾病(尤其指微恙)

记忆方法: a(to)+il=ill+ment(to ill→小病)
实例: Patients who often complain of minor ailments might have something more important on their minds

64.aliment 食品,营养品

记忆方法: 和ailment一起记忆,因为生病(ailment)→需要营养品(aliment)
实例: Authorities say a veterinarian who saw the animals said nearly all had some aliments, including upper respiratory infections, malnutrition and dehydration.

65.alimony 赡养费

记忆方法: ali=aliment(营养,也可以用ali阿里巴巴alipay来记忆)+mony(=money)→赡养费
实例: When a couple gets divorced, the court might order the one spouse to pay alimony to the other, which is like an allowance for basic expenses like food and shelter.

66.allegiance 忠诚

记忆方法: 要注意和allege的意思区分 (allege宣称(在还没有得到证据前)), 发音记忆al+"立正死"→忠诚
实例: Their allegiance to the system — their belief in its essential fairness and desirability — exceeds their unhappiness with the immediate election results.

67.ambience/ambiance 气氛,环境

记忆方法: ambi(两侧, ambiguous含混不清的→ambi两者分不清)+ience/iance→两侧→环境
实例: Ambience is another word for atmosphere in the sense of the mood a place or setting has.

68.amulet 护身符

记忆方法: 发音记忆: a(一个)+mulet(木头)→护身符 近义词: talisman
实例: They wore elaborate headdresses, their languid, elongated eyes closed, their bare chests draped with carved chains and amulets. (Interpreter of Maladies)

69.analgesic 止痛剂,镇静剂

记忆方法: an(无)+alg(疼痛,联想algorithm算法→让人头疼)+estic→止痛,镇静
实例: An analgesic is a medicine that takes away physical pain.

70.anathema 极度讨厌的人/物

记忆方法: ana(远离)+the(the one-神)+ma→远离神的人/物→极度讨厌的人/物
实例: Violence was anathema to them.

The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!