243 . civil 市民的,公民的,文明的
词根: -civ- 公民,文明
1 . civility 彬彬有礼
记忆方法: civil(文明)+ity→礼貌
实例: Staff members are trained to treat customers with civility at all times.
2 . civic adj.城市的;公民的,市民的
记忆方法: civ(公民)+ic(表形容词)→ 公民的
实例: 1.I feel it is my civic duty to vote. 2.It's almost ten miles from here to the civic center.
244 . "1. voyage;
2. voir;" "1. 航海;
2. 看(法语);"
词根: -voy- "1. 道路(way);
2. 看;"
1 . convoy 护送
记忆方法: con(共同)+voy(路)→护送
实例: A Reuters witness said Egyptian authorities escorted him in a convoy from the airport.(Reuters, Dec. 3, 2017)
2 . envoy 特使
记忆方法: en(进入)+voy(way)→使者
实例: The President's envoy set off on another diplomatic trip.
3 . clairvoyant 未卜先知的,有洞察力的
记忆方法: clair(清楚)+voy(看)+ant→有洞察力的
实例: You did not have to be a clairvoyant to see that the war would go on.
4 . voyeur n.<贬>窥淫癖者
记忆方法: voy(看, 看见)+eur(表名词, …的人)→ 喜欢去看别人的人→ 偷窥者, 爱打听的人
实例: He felt like a voyeur, as if he were intruding upon something deeply personal.
245 . vision 视力
词根: -vis- 看(see) vid
1 . provision 准备,提供;条款,规定
记忆方法: pro(向前)+vision(看)→准备,这个词来源于provide
实例: 1. We need to make provisions for our retiring lives. 2.We have inserted certain provisions into the treaty to safeguard foreign workers.
2 . provisional=provisionary 临时的
记忆方法: provision(预备)+al(形容词)→预备的→临时的
实例: It was announced that the times were provisional and subject to confirmation.
3 . improvisation 即兴表演,即兴创作
记忆方法: im(非)+provisation(=provision)→无准备的→即兴的
实例: a blues/jazz improvisation
4 . provident 有远见的,衍生为节俭的,未雨绸缪的
记忆方法: pro(向前)+vid(看)+ent→有远见的
反义词: improvident 注意和improvisional区分
实例: He is provident of his money.
5 . divisive 离间的,引起争议的
记忆方法: di(分开)+vis(看)+ive(感情的后缀)→让人分开看一件事物→离间的,引起争议的
实例: Abortion has always been a divisive issue.
6 . visual 视觉的
记忆方法: vis(看)+ual→视觉的
衍生: visualize
实例: Your eyes relay signals to the visual centers in the back of your brain.(New York Times, Dec. 7, 2017)
246 . cloud 云
词根: clo 凝结 变形: clou
1 . clot 凝结
记忆方法: (cloud正是水蒸气clot而成)
实例: He needed emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain.
2 . clout 敲打.影响力
记忆方法: 来源于clot→凝结后就可以用来敲打→衍生为影响力
实例: "1. The officer clouted her on the head.
2. The two firms wield enormous clout in financial markets."
247 . club 俱乐部
词根: -clu- 俱乐部即为人的聚集
1 . clump 丛,族,衍生为拖着重步走
记忆方法: clu(聚集)+mp→丛,族,束
实例: "1. He was combing my hair and it was just falling out in clumps.
2. Men in big construction boots were clumping in and out with plans in their hands"
248 . coal 煤块
词根: -coa- 结合(煤块是碳的结合)
1 . coagulate 凝结
记忆方法: coa(结合)+gulate→凝结
实例: The blood coagulates to stop wounds bleeding.
2 . coalesce 合并
记忆方法: coa(结合)+lese→合并
实例: Cities, if unrestricted, tend to coalesce into bigger and bigger conurbations.
3 . coalition n.结合体;联合
记忆方法: coal(结合)+ ition(表名词)→ 结合体, 联合
实例: He had been opposed by a coalition of about 50 civil rights, women's and Latino organizations.
249 . nature 自然
词根: -nat- 出生(自然的即为出生的本性) 变形: nat, nas
1 . innate 出生的,天生的
记忆方法: in(入)+nat(出生)→出生即进入体内的→天生的
实例: You obviously have an innate talent for music.
2 . cognate 同源的,同宗的
记忆方法: cog(共同)+nat(出生)→同源的
实例: English, Dutch and German are cognate languages.
291 . debacle 崩溃,彻底的失败
联想记忆: de(除去)+bacle=buckle(扣子)→扣子一解开→崩溃
实例: After the debacle of the war the world was never the same again.
292 . debunk 揭露真相
联想记忆: de(除去)+bunk(铺位,胡话)→除去胡话→揭露真相
实例: ...the Frenchmen of the enlightenment who debunked the church and the crown.
293 . defy 公然反抗
联想记忆: de(向下)+fy=fight(反抗)→反抗 衍生: defiant
实例: Nearly eleven-thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading.
294 . mollify 安抚
发音记忆: moll(词根=soft,发音类似"摸"是因为很soft)+ify→使变得平和→安抚
实例: The investigation was undertaken primarily to mollify pressure groups.
295 . didactic 说教的,灌输的
联想记忆: did(做)+act(做)→说教就是告诉你做做做
实例: I don't like her didactic way of explaining everything.
296 . dilatory 做事缓慢的,拖沓的
联想记忆: dilat=delay, 也可用di(分开)+lator=late来记忆
实例: The boss sacked a dilatory worker yesterday.
297 . peevish 易怒的
联想记忆: p看成拉长的脸,ee是两只眼睛,v是翘起来的嘴→易怒的 近义词: choleric
实例: He had slept little and that always made him peevish.
298 . weep 哭泣
联想记忆: w皱着的眉毛,ee(眼睛)+p(拉长的脸)→哭泣
实例: He wept tears of rage/joy when he heard the news.
299 . jeer 讥笑,嘲笑
实例: Demonstrators have jeered the mayor as he arrived for a week long visit.
300 . peer 仔细看,费力看;同等的人
实例: 1. The driver was peering into the distance trying to read the road sign. 2.Do you think it's true that teenage girls are less self-confident than their male peers?