GMAT备考独孤求败之旅 —— 单词篇Day Forty – Nine

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​231 politics 政治

词根: -polit- 国家,城市,政治
(1).cosmopolitan 世界的,全球的

实例:Hong Kong has always been a cosmopolitan city.

(2).metropolis 大都市

衍生: metropolitan
实例:He was dazzled by the gaiety and splendour of the metropolis.

(3).apolitical adj.对政治不感兴趣的,与政治无关的

记忆方法:a(不,相反的)+political(政治的,对政治有兴趣的)→ 对政治不感兴趣的
实例:Henry used to be totally apolitical, but I think he is now politically more aware.

232 credit 信用

词根: -cred- 相信

(1).credulous 轻信的

实例:You must be credulous if she fooled you with such a story.

(2).credential 凭证

记忆方法:cred(相信)+ential→让人相信的文件 近义词: certificate
实例: Enjoy fantasy games, merchandise discounts and other benefits reserved for Credential holders.

(3).discredit 使不信任,败坏名声

实例:A secret unit within the company was set up to discredit its major rival.

(4).credence n.相信(传言); 凭证;真实性,可信性

记忆方法:cred(相信, 信任)+ence(表名词)→ 相信
实例:Good studies are needed to lend credence to the notion that genuine progress can be made in this important field.

(5).credo n.信条;教义

记忆方法:cred(相信, 信任)+o(表名词)→ 相信的条例→信条
实例:To be the first to bear hardship and the last to enjoy comfort is our credo.

233 encrypt 加密

词根: -crypt- 秘密,隐藏

(1).cryptic 隐晦的,神秘的

实例:The notes are getting more and more cryptic.

(2).cryptonym 匿名

记忆方法:crypt(秘密的)+nym(名字)→匿名 近义词: alias
实例:A hundred other unseen locks and keys, oaths of secrecy, and cryptonyms stood in my way.

(3).decrypt 解密

实例: A newer system is required to decrypt this encrypted file.

234 culprit (参见难记词表) 犯人

词根: -culp- 罪过

(1).culpable 有罪的

实例:Their decision to do nothing makes them culpable.

(2).exculpate 开脱,使无罪(主要是申请,即辩白阶段)

实例:He exculpate himself from stealing the money.

235 encumber 妨碍

词根: -cumber- 躺下(lie),障碍(barrier)

(1).succumb 屈从,死亡

实例:The Minister said his country would never succumb to pressure.

(2).cumbersome 笨重的

实例:Although the machine looks cumbersome, it is actually easy to use.

(3).incumbent 在职的,有义务的

实例:It is incumbent upon all of us to make an extra effort.

(4).recumbent 躺着的

实例:The assumption of the recumbent position is associated with shoulder pain.

236 tailor 裁缝

词根: -tail- 剪裁(cut)

(1).curtail 缩短

实例:NATO plans to curtail the number of troops being sent to the region.

237 occasion 情况,发生

词根: -cas- 落下(occasion=oc(to)+cas(落下)+ion→事情落下→发生) cas, cata

(1).casual 偶然的

实例:But advisers past and present said that characterizing any conversation with Putin as casual would be a mistake.

(2).casualty 伤亡人数

实例:There are fears that the casualty toll may be higher.


270.crank 曲柄,古怪的人

记忆方法:联想记忆: 和crane(起重机)一起记忆,crank的形状有些像crane
衍生: cranky古怪的
实例:1. He looked like a crank. 2. A crank is a device that you turn in order to make something move.

271.crayon 彩色蜡笔

记忆方法:联想记忆: c=can+ray(光线-7彩)+on→can put ray on→彩色蜡笔
实例:A crayon is a colorful stick of wax made for drawing and coloring.

272.crest 顶峰,浪尖,头冠

记忆方法:联想记忆: c=can+rest→can rest是因为到顶了
实例:1. Surfers are riding the crest of the wave. 2. When someone crests a hill, they reach the top of it.

273.crevice 裂缝

记忆方法:联想记忆: 词根cred表示信任,而crev表示裂缝(v很像出现的裂缝)
实例:I saw a plant growing out of a crevice in the wall.

274.crumble 弄碎→衍生为崩溃

记忆方法:联想记忆: crum=cram(挤压)+ble→挤压多了就碎了
实例:1. Roughly crumble the cheese into a bowl. 2. It only takes a minute for the football hopes of an entire country to crumble.

275.cue 暗示(多用于给演员的台词提示)

记忆方法:联想记忆: clue→cue
实例:The actors not performing sit at the side of the stage, waiting for their cues.

276.culinary 厨房的

记忆方法:联想记忆: cu=cut+lin=line+ary(place)→place to cut things into lines→厨房的
实例:She was keen to acquire more advanced culinary skills.

277.culvert 水沟,下水道

记忆方法:联想记忆: cul=cultivate(培养)+vert(转)→"培养"出来的转圈的东西→下水道
实例:After days of hard work , the culvert was at last completed.

278.cunning 狡猾的, 巧妙的

实例:He tackled the job with a great deal of imagination, skill and cunning.

279.clement (尤其指气候)温和的

记忆方法:联想记忆: clem=climate(气候)+ent→指气候温和,后来也用来形容人 近义词: temperate, 反义词: inclement
实例:Clement weather is pleasantly mild and dry.

The biggest risk you take is not taking any risks!