249 .简单词 nature 自然
词根: -nat- 出生(自然的即为出生的本性) (变形: nat, nas )
1 . innate 出生的,天生的
记忆方法: in(入)+nat(出生)→出生即进入体内的→天生的
实例: You obviously have an innate talent for music.
2 . cognate 同源的,同宗的
记忆方法: cog(共同)+nat(出生)→同源的
实例: English, Dutch and German are cognate languages.
249 .简单词 nature 自然
词根: -nat- 出生(自然的即为出生的本性) (变形: nat, nas )
3 . nascent 初生的,新生的
记忆方法: nas=nat(出生)+scent(渐渐的)→初生的
实例: ...the still nascent science of psychology...
4 . natty 整洁漂亮的
记忆方法: 刚刚出生→新的→当然整洁漂亮
实例: He was a natty dresser.
5 . neonatal 新生的
记忆方法: neo(新的)+nat(出生)+al→新生儿的
衍生: neonate 新生儿
实例: the neonatal intensive care unit
6 . preternatural 超自然的,异常的
记忆方法: preter=pre(在...前)+natural→走在自然的前面→超自然的
近义词: supernatural
实例: Their parents had an almost preternatural ability to understand what was going on in their children's minds.
250 .简单词 equilateral 等边的(equilateral triangle)
词根: -later- 边(side)
1 . bilateral 双边的
记忆方法: bi(二)+later(边)+al→双边的
衍生: unilateral
实例: She said that unlike most Bahrainis, she sees no issue with Israel and Bahrain establishing bilateral relations, and would visit Israel again if the opportunity arose.(Seattle Times, Dec. 12, 2017)
2 . collateral 附带的, 次要的;担保物,抵押品
记忆方法: col(共同)+later(边)+al→在同一边的,放在一起的→附属的→衍生为担保物
实例: 1.I don't see this administration nurturing or even supporting the people who work there; I see instead a lot of collateral damage to the staff's careers and reputations. (New York Times, Dec. 9, 2017 ) 2. Mezzanine loans command much higher interest rates than other types of loans because they require minimal collateral.(Reuter, Dec. 12, 2017)
251 .简单词 relate 相关
词根: -late- 拿出,放(bring out)
1 . dilate (血管,瞳孔)扩大
记忆方法: di(分开)+late(放)→扩大
实例: At night, the pupils dilate to allow in more light.
2 . elated 兴高采烈的
记忆方法: e(出)+late(放)→好心情放出来→兴高采烈的
实例: For my part, I feel elated and close to tears.
252 .简单词 patient 有耐心的
词根: -pati- 感情,忍受
1 . compatible 合得来的,兼容的
记忆方法: com(共同)+pati(感情,忍受)+ible(可以)→可以互相忍受的→合得来的
实例: He explained that the data gathered on the Red Spot was simply not compatible with models that are used to study Earth's weather.(BBC, Dec. 12, 2017)
253 .简单词 pile 堆
词根: -pile- 堆叠
1 . compile 编撰
记忆方法: com(一起)+pile(堆叠)→堆叠在一起→编撰
实例: We're compiling some facts and figures for a documentary on the subject.
254 .简单词 condole (参见难记词表) 吊唁,哀悼
词根: -dole- 悲伤(grieve) (变形: dol )
1 . doleful 忧愁的,消沉的
记忆方法: dole(悲伤)+ful(充满)→充满悲伤的→哀悼的
实例: He gave me a long, doleful look.
2 . indolent 懒惰,好逸恶劳
记忆方法: in(无)+dol(悲伤)+ent→所有的努力从某种程度上都是让人难过的,没有经历过难过也就是没有经历过努力→好逸恶劳的
实例: The sultry weather in the tropics encourages tourists to lead an indolent life
255 .简单词 sign 记号,签署
词根: -sign- 记号,签署
1 . consign 把…置于(不重要的位置)
记忆方法: con(共同)+sign(记号)→放在有相同记号的地方,即放在可以一视同仁,不重要的地方
实例: The far-reaching pact has also made sure the Cold War is consigned to history with a joint peace declaration.
2 . resign 辞职,衍生为屈从
记忆方法: re(重新)+sign(签署)→进公司的时候会签署第一次合同,辞职的时候还会再签一次,因此resign表示辞职
衍生: resignation
实例: He resigned from the company in order to take a more challenging job.
256 .简单词 torture 折磨
词根: -tort- 扭曲(twist) (变形: tor )
1 . contort 扭曲
记忆方法: con(一起)+tort(扭曲)→扭曲
实例: His face contorted with pain.
2 . torment 折磨,痛苦
记忆方法: tor(扭曲)+ment(表名词)→折磨
实例: Waiting for the result of the medical tests was sheer torment.
3 . retort 反驳
记忆方法: re(反)+tort(扭曲)→扭回来→反驳
实例: He opened his mouth to make a caustic retort.
4 . extort 敲诈
记忆方法: ex(出)+tort(扭曲)→扭曲,折磨出→敲诈
实例: Corrupt government officials were extorting money from him.
5 . tortuous 弯弯曲曲的
记忆方法: tort(扭曲)+uous(表形容词, 多…的)→多扭曲的
实例: The only road access is a tortuous mountain route.
6 . distort 弄歪,歪曲
记忆方法: dis(不好)+tort(扭曲)→扭曲到不好的方向→歪曲
实例: My original statement has been completely distorted by the media.
301 . sneer 讥笑,嘲笑
记忆方法: sn(撕裂)+ee(眼睛)+r→做起鬼脸看→嘲笑
实例: 1. 'Hypocrite,' he sneered. 2. “How much did you say you earned last year? ” she said with a sneer.
302 . eerie 恐怖的,怪异的
记忆方法: 联想记忆: ee(眼睛)+ri=ridiculous→看到荒谬的事物→可怕的
实例: I walked down the eerie dark path.
303 . deem 认为
记忆方法: 常见词
实例: We will provide help whenever you deem it appropriate.
304 . disdain 轻视
记忆方法: 联想记忆: dis(不)+dain=dign(尊重,庄严,例如dignity)→不尊重,即轻视
实例: She shared her daughter's disdain for her fellow countrymen.
305 . dishevel 使头发凌乱,衣着不整
记忆方法: 联想记忆: dis(不)+hevel=heaven美好→不整洁
实例: The wind disheveled her.
306 . mantle 披风,斗篷;尤指前任留給繼任者的)責任,衣缽
记忆方法: man(人)+tle(读音:头)→穿上斗篷,不就是只看到人头吗
实例: She unsuccessfully attempted to assume the mantle of the presidency.
307 . disposition 性情
记忆方法: 联想记忆: 注意这个不是来源于dispose而是由dis(分开)和position(位置)产生,本来性情指的就是应对不同情况(dis+position)人的反应
实例: He was a man of decisive action and an adventurous disposition.
308 . savor 滋味,风味
记忆方法: 联想记忆: save下来的都是好滋味(savor)
实例: There was a savor of insolence in his manner.
309 . distraught 心烦意乱的,忧心如焚的
记忆方法: 联想记忆: distr=destroy(毁灭)+aught→可能会被毁灭→心急如焚
实例: His distraught parents were being comforted by relatives.
310 . diurnal 昼行的,白天的
记忆方法: di=day(白天)+urnal→白天的,昼行的
反义词: nocturnal 夜行的
实例: This diurnal cycle of wakefulness and sleep governs the levels of many hormones that regulate our daily activities. (Scientific American, Dec. 6, 2017)